- 3
Questions about the beam handover of Iridium satellites
#119 opened by xyj8 - 1
Receiving Parsing Error
#118 opened by RicardoCastanon - 1
#117 opened by Mahatma011 - 4
parsing out ADS-B data
#103 opened by mebrown47 - 10
Information about IRA tracks
#114 opened by cyqsir - 2 misses some satellites with q.alt test
#115 opened by SittingDuc - 1
Legacy extractor question
#107 opened by mebrown47 - 2
Error while running update-tracking
#108 opened by alphapats - 2
the precision of gps position is not so good...
#112 opened by tianyasy - 0
the precision of gps position is not so good...
#111 opened by tianyasy - 1
Iridium DTCS PTT
#110 opened by tianyasy - 1
- 2
play-iridium-ambe: not found
#106 opened by Lunny1993 - 3
Error ratio: nan
#100 opened by rustjakey - 5
- 3
IndexError: string index out of range
#104 opened by Guillaume-JEAN - 12
Information about iridium frames
#58 opened by michael040101 - 1
Can anybody find the icds as described below
#92 opened by tianyasy - 1
- 1
Frame parser
#93 opened by zhusiyu6 - 5
ambe codec not found
#99 opened by rustjakey - 2
Issue with Parsing output.bits
#98 opened by CurtisDufour - 4
Non ascii characters in SBD mode
#86 opened by alphapats - 1
#97 opened by tianyasy - 1
rudics & direct internet & dial up
#96 opened by tianyasy - 1
tracking satellites
#94 opened by graememilne - 0
LCW, HANDOFF type 2 and code 3
#90 opened by tianyasy - 0
LCW, HANDOFF type 2 and code 12
#89 opened by tianyasy - 1 hangs
#91 opened by kittybwained - 1
- 5
- 3
Get IRA packets
#85 opened by zhusiyu6 - 18
error in
#79 opened by fe8769a - 10 Module Not Found Error
#83 opened by muaddib1984 - 3
- 3
--interesting breaks with some message types
#81 opened by muaddib1984 - 4
Error while creating kml file
#53 opened by alphapats - 2
Position of IRA
#80 opened by tk240 - 1
Audio problems
#78 opened by michael040101 - 2
Can’t decode audio
#57 opened by michael040101 - 1
Problem using iridium parser
#56 opened by michael040101 - 0
- 0
NameError: name 'elf' is not defined
#55 opened by alphafox02 - 1
Wrong length in, line 1315?
#52 opened by fvance - 3
live parsing
#51 opened by alphapats - 5
Identifying parties during a call
#45 opened by charlez-700 - 2
IIQ frames.
#46 opened by JerryDerik - 3
Error while reassembling using sbd mode
#50 opened by alphapats - 1
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'crcmod'
#48 opened by AdmiralGeta - 1
Live decoding?
#47 opened by thebaldgeek