SQL to HTTP Stream

A microservice-based end-to-end stream flow.


Service Libraries
data-crud http4s (with Ember + Cats) + Doobie + Flyway + Circe
influxdb-sink-connector Akka Stream
influx-stream Akka Stream + Akka HTTP

Architecture overview

Architecture Overview


  • Java 11
  • Docker Compose
  • sbt

Running locally

  1. Place the cursor at the project's root folder
  2. Install Debezium Connector
    1. Create a folder named kafka-connectors with read-write permissions for Docker container's usage
    2. Download Debezium Postgres Connector 2.1.3 and unpack it to the above folder
  3. Run docker compose up -d to start Docker Compose
  4. Make the POST request at kafka-connector.http to configure a Debezium Postgres Connector instance
  5. Use sbt to start each of the services data-crud, influxdb-sink-connector and influx-stream

Now you can make the requests exemplified at data-crud.http to data-crud and observe the streamed average at http://localhost:8081/moving-average/{id}?period={seconds}&every={seconds} to change

Port mapping

Service Port
Postgres 5432
InfluxDB 8086
Zookeeper 2187
Kafka 9092
Schema Registry 9093
Kafka Connect 8083
Kafka UI 8090
data-crud 8080
influxdb-sink-connector N/A
influx-stream 8081