FEMHATE dataset

This repository is the home of the FEMHATE dataset.


The question of whether one perceives something as hate speech is substantially influenced by whether oneself belongs to the targeted group or by whether one agrees or disagrees with the statement to evaluate. For instance, it is likely that females perceive the statement “women have smaller brains than men” as more hateful than men. Furthermore, if anyone should strangely have the supposition that women really have smaller brains, then this person will likely not attribute much hate to this statement.

To study these hypotheses, we collected a data set containing 400 German assertions about women which have been collected through a web survey As a first step, we limit ourself to self-contained, explicit statements to which we will refer to as assertions. We let 40 females and 40 males annotate (i) how hateful the assertions are and (ii) whether the subjects agree or disagree with the assertions. We use a best-worst-scaling approach for the latter, which results in more reliable scores for other opinion-related tasks. The intuition of best-worst-scaling is that although humans do not share a common absolute scale for a topic, they still tend to agree when picking the worst and best from a tuple of choices.


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How to cite? If you want to use the FEMHATE dataset, please cite:

  title={Do Women Perceive Hate Differently: Examining the Relationship Between Hate Speech, Gender, and Agreement Judgments},
  author={Wojatzki, Michael and Horsmann, Tobias and Gold, Darina and Zesch, Torsten},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Konvens},