A boiler plate code for flask web include following setup:
- flask Model View Controller(MVC) architecture
- flask login
- flask migrate
- flask admin
- flask sql database configuration
- to install all the requirements run the command
pip install -r requiremets.txt
setup and migrate the database
- on main.py file replace with your database connection string
note this only works with sql databases
initialize migrations by running following command
flask db init
- set up your first migration
flask db migrate -m "InitialMigration"
- update the database
flask db upgrade
create a super/admin user
- to create admin user run following command. replace admin and 1234 with your username and password
python config.py --username admin --password 1234
run the code
flask run
python app.py
Adding models
- add your model to models folder
- also add view to the admin view on config.py file
admin.add_view( AdminModelView(ModelClassName, db.session))
adding controller
- in the controllers folder create a new file and initialize with a new blueprint
from flask import Blueprint, render_template
# add routes
# add @login_required decorator for protected routes
def function_name():
return render_template("page.html")
- import and register the controller on the app.py file
from controllers.controller_name import blueprintName
adding views
- in the template folder create a new folder matching blueprint name
- add a base_name.html for specific blueprint designs like dashboard
- add html file following jinja2 syntax
extend session time
- on main.py file extend the session time by updating this line
app.permanent_session_lifetime=timedelta(minutes=5) #set more minutes or change to hours
- user role should be admin for the user to view and edit the admin dashboard models
- The application uses Bootstrap from cdn link in the base html files, you can add it to static folder and change