
A Shopify CLI plugin for building theme components.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Theme component plugin

oclif Static Badge License: MIT

A Shopify CLI plugin for building theme components.

The plugin-theme-component repository is a foundational part of the Archetype Devkit preview. It provides commands to create, develop, and install a collection of theme components.

Getting Started


You'll need to ensure you have the following installed on your local development machine:


Simply run the following command to install the Shopify CLI plugin:

shopify plugins install plugin-theme-component

Uninstalling the plugin

If you want to uninstall the plugin from the Shopify CLI, you can run the following command:

shopify plugins uninstall plugin-theme-component

List of commands

shopify theme component

Theme Component Plugin - By Archetype Themes

  $ shopify theme component [-v]

  -v, --version  Display Plugin Version

  Theme Component Plugin - By Archetype Themes

See code: src/commands/theme/component/index.js

shopify theme component dev [COMPONENTS]

Develop using theme components

  $ shopify theme component dev [COMPONENTS...] [--debug] [--trace] [-t <path-or-github-url>] [-l <path-or-github-url>]
    [-s] [-w] [--sync]

  COMPONENTS...  Component name(s)

  -s, --[no-]setup-files  Copy Setup Files
  -w, --[no-]watch        Watch For Changes
      --[no-]sync         Sync your files through shopify theme dev

  -l, --locales-path=<path-or-github-url>  [default: https://github.com/archetype-themes/locales.git] Path to your
                                           locales data
  -t, --theme-path=<path-or-github-url>    [default: https://github.com/archetype-themes/reference-theme.git] Path to
                                           your theme

  --debug  Debug Mode is more verbose.
  --trace  Trace Mode provides tracing and debug information.

  Develop using theme components

  -l, --locales-path=<path-or-github-url>  Path to your locales data

    The path to your locales data should point to a GitHub URL or a local path. This defaults to Archetype Themes'
    publicly shared locales database.

  -s, --[no-]setup-files  Copy Setup Files

    Installs component setup files in your dev theme to allow component exploration in an isolated environment.

  -t, --theme-path=<path-or-github-url>  Path to your theme

    The path to your theme should point to a GitHub URL or a local path. This defaults to Archetype Themes' publicly
    shared component explorer theme.

  -w, --[no-]watch  Watch For Changes

    Any changes to component, locale of theme source files triggers a file copy and theme build if necessary.

  --[no-]sync  Sync your files through shopify theme dev

    This will execute `shopify theme dev --path .explorer` along with your component dev command. You can customize
    options for that command in your toml file.

See code: src/commands/theme/component/dev.js

shopify theme component generate COMPONENTS

Generate canvas files for new components

  $ shopify theme component generate COMPONENTS... [--debug] [--trace]

  COMPONENTS...  Component name(s)

  --debug  Debug Mode is more verbose.
  --trace  Trace Mode provides tracing and debug information.

  Generate canvas files for new components

See code: src/commands/theme/component/generate.js

shopify theme component install [COMPONENTS]

Install a collection of components

  $ shopify theme component install [COMPONENTS...] [--debug] [--trace] [-c <path-or-github-url>] [-l

  COMPONENTS...  Component name(s)

  -c, --components-path=<path-or-github-url>  [default: https://github.com/archetype-themes/reference-components.git]
                                              Path to your components
  -l, --locales-path=<path-or-github-url>     [default: https://github.com/archetype-themes/locales.git] Path to your
                                              locales data

  --debug  Debug Mode is more verbose.
  --trace  Trace Mode provides tracing and debug information.

  Install a collection of components

  -c, --components-path=<path-or-github-url>  Path to your components

    The path to your components should point to a GitHub URL or a local path. This defaults to Archetype Themes'
    publicly shared reference components.

  -l, --locales-path=<path-or-github-url>  Path to your locales data

    The path to your locales data should point to a GitHub URL or a local path. This defaults to Archetype Themes'
    publicly shared locales database.

See code: src/commands/theme/component/install.js


Interested in shaping the future of theme development with us? We welcome you to join our community! Your insights and discussions play a crucial role in our continuous improvement. We encourage you to start discussions, ask questions, and provide feedback on our component approach.

If you notice a bug, or want to contribute to the codebase, feel free to do so in the form of creating an issue or pull request.

Developing the plugin locally

If you already have the plugin installed via npm, you'll need to uninstall the plugin before being able to develop the plugin locally.

Once this is done, follow these steps to ensure the Shopify CLI is running the local version of the plugin:

  • git clone https://github.com/archetype-themes/plugin-theme-component.git
  • cd plugin-theme-component
  • npm ci
  • shopify plugins link