
Report the active window to a HomeAssistant MQTT Broker as a sensor

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


AutoHotKey script that reports the active window to a HomeAssistant MQTT Broker as a sensor.



  • Create an ank file named ActiveWindowMQTT.credentials.ahk in the same directory as ActiveWindowMQTT.ahk
  • Add these lines to the file (with your credentials an host) and save:
MQTTBrokerHostname =
MQTTBrokerUsername = mqtt
MQTTBrokerPassword = your_password
  • Run ActiveWindowMQTT.ahk
  • You should now see an MQTT sensor with a name following this format: Domain.fqdn/COMPUTERNAME Active Window (unique ID: sensor.domain_fqdn_computername_active_window)