CSCI 420 (Spring 2021) MontyPython UML Editor

This command line program creates a text representation of a UML diagram though user input. The program’s capabilities include adding, deleting, displaying, and modifying UML diagram elements. It also supports the ability to save and load diagrams.


  1. To run the program, Python 3.9.1 needs to be installed.

  2. The program "ghostscript" must be installed on your machine. Downloads and installation instructions can be found here.

    On Windows, you have to add ghostscript to your path.

    • Press Windows Key + S to open the windows search bar (or click the search bar in the bottom left).
    • type "environment variables" into the search bar and press enter.
    • In the system properties menu that opens up, click "environment variables" near the bottom.
    • In the system variables section (lower half of window), double click on the row labled "Path"
    • In the edit environment variables window, click "new" on the right side.
    • In the new empty row created, paste the path to the installation of your ghostscript. Example path (64 bit) C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.54.0\bin\

    NOTE: On mac, the easiest way to install is to use homebrew. "brew install ghostscript"

  3. During installation in Windows, check the box labeled "Add Python 3.9 to PATH" so Python programs can be run by typing python in a terminal.

Package Installation

Method 1 - No virtual environment

Assuming you are running Python 3.9.1 or later you can run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt. This will install all of the required packages to your system so you can run the program. If it fails however, move on to Method 2.

Method 2 - Virtual environment using venv

If the installation script does not work for whatever reason, you can try running it within a virtual environment using venv

  1. Invoke python -m venv venv within the project directory. This will create a new directory containing a python interpreter and pip.

  2. To activate the virtual environment:

    On Windows (Powershell):

     PS> venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

    On MacOS/Linux:

     $ source venv/bin/activate
  3. Run pip to install the required packages by doing python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the program

  1. Download the program from our repository.
  2. In a terminal, navigate to the directory the repository download has been saved in.
  3. Follow one of the package installation guides.
  4. If using a virtual environment, activate the environment (using step 2 from package installation)
  5. To run the program in GUI mode simply invoke python within the root project directory. To run in CLI mode, add the --cli flag (python --cli).
  6. Follow the program’s prompts to create, load, or save a text representation of a UML diagram. Type help to view possible commands, or click File > Help in GUI mode.

Example Images:






Quinn Lehman

Joseph Malone

Drew Tuckey

Sean Malloy

Jen Hynes