NotJava UML Editor

Cross-platform, GUI-based UML editor written for Millersville University CSCI 420


Build Instructions

  • Open Terminal
  • Run command git clone (or download source code as .zip)
  • Run cd 2022sp-420-NotJava
  • Run dotnet build

Running Instructions

For GUI:

  • To run the native executable in graphical mode:
    • In Linux, MacOS, and Windows Powershell: ./UMLEditor/UMLEditor.NetCore/bin/Debug/net6.0/UMLEditor.NetCore
    • In Windows CMD: .\UMLEditor\UMLEditor.NetCore\bin\Debug\net6.0\UMLEditor.NetCore

For CLI:

  • To run the native executable in CLI mode:
    • In Linux, MacOS, and Windows Powershell: ./UMLEditor/UMLEditor.NetCore/bin/Debug/net6.0/UMLEditor.NetCore -cli
    • In Windows CMD: .\UMLEditor\UMLEditor.NetCore\bin\Debug\net6.0\UMLEditor.NetCore -cli

Testing Instructions

Build And Run Unit Tests:

This will run all available unit tests for the code and does nothing else.

  • To build and execute unit tests, run the following from the root of the repo directory (where the .sln is):
    dotnet test


  • The Documents folder is where we store our diagram images, feature writeups, and other written sprint requirements.
    • SQLite Writeup.pdf is where the writeup for our dropped SQLite task is located.
    • Design Pattern Writeup.pdf is where the list of implemented design patterns is located.

GUI Mode Help

  • Menu Bar
    • File
      • Save: Opens dialog to specify a file to save the current diagram to.
      • Load: Opens dialog to specify a file to load a diagram from.
    • Class
      • Add: Opens dialog to add a class to the diagram.
    • Relationship:
      • Add: Opens dialog to add a relationship to the diagram.
      • Change: Opens dialog to change the relationship type for an existing relationship.
      • Delete: Opens dialog to delete a relationship from the diagram.
      • Redraw Lines: Redraws all relationship lines between classes.
    • Utility:
      • Help: Displays link to this document.
      • Exit: Exits program without saving diagram.
  • Canvas
    • Class Box
      • Class Name: Shows the name of this class.
        • Edit Button Edit Class: Opens dialog to rename this class.
        • Delete Button Delete Class: Opens dialog to delete this class from diagram.
      • Fields: Shows the various fields of the class.
        • Add Button Add Field: Opens dialog to add a field to the class.
        • Edit Button Edit Field: Opens dialog to change type and/or name of the field.
        • Delete Button Delete Field: Opens dialog to delete this field from the class.
      • Methods: Shows the various methods of the class.
        • Add Button Add Method: Opens dialog to add a method to the class.
        • Edit Button Edit Method: Opens dialog to change type and/or name of the field.
        • Delete Button Delete Method: Opens dialog to delete the method from the class.
        • Parameters: Shows the various parameters of a method.
          • Add Button Add Parameter: Opens dialog to add a parameter to a method.
          • Edit Button Edit Parameter: Opens dialog to change the type and/or name of a parameter.
          • Delete Button Delete Parameter: Opens dialog to delete the parameter from the method.


Don't like Halloween colors? You can create your own themes and change the colors to your liking! The Utility menu has a few entries related to themes:

  • Edit Theme: This opens the Theme Editor (see below). The Theme Editor allows you to change the colors of the editor.
  • Load Theme File: Allows you to browse to and open a .umltheme file that contains a different color scheme. NOTE: Once the file is loaded and the theme applied, your current theme will be overwritten with the one in the file.
  • Save Theme As...: Allows you to save the current color scheme you have set to a .umltheme file.

NOTE: The current theme is stored in the following file:
%USERPROFILE%\notjavauml.umltheme on Windows
~/notjavauml.umltheme on macOS and Linux

When the editor launches in GUI mode, it will automatically look for and load the theme stored in that file. If that file does not exist or is invalid, the editor will use the default theme. Any time changes to the theme are committed (a theme file is loaded, you click "OK" to changed colors), this file is updated with the new theme automatically.

NOTE: Some extra themes are included in the repo. You can find them under the Themes folder in the root of the repo.

Theme Editor


  • 1) Target Selector: Use this control to select what you want to change the color of.
  • 2) Color Selector: Controls to adjust the color to your liking.
  • 3) Revert To Default Theme: Causes the theme editor to load the default color scheme.
  • 4) Color Previewer: This strip allows you to preview your currently selected color.
  • 5) Preview Area: This area displays a preview of what your color scheme would look like.

NOTE: Changes to the theme will NOT be applied unless you click the "Okay" button. Closing the dialog or clicking "Cancel" will cause any changes to be discarded.

Team Members

Daniel Foreacre
Gavin Fry
Matthew Young
Robert Bunning
CJ Sydorko