Word Wizards

Word Wizards - Spelling Bee Game

Authors: No Pointers

This program is an adaptation of the NYT Spelling Bee game. Game can be run from either the command-line or with a GUI interface. Our team utilized SQLite databases to assist in the formation of puzzles and player guesses. Saving a puzzle will save it as a JSON file (puzzle.json) onto the player’s computer. To play: Players will interact with the game by typing in the following commands in the command line.

  • new – creates a new puzzle for the player.
  • custom - (followed by an input of 7 unique letters) – creates a new puzzle using the letters inputted by the player.
  • show – displays the letters of the puzzle to the player and a list of the words they have correctly guessed.
  • shuffle – rearranges the letters of the current puzzle.
  • save - saves the current puzzle the player is using so that it can be loaded and used later.
  • load – loads the saved puzzle and makes it available for play.
  • rules – explains the rules of the game to the player.
  • help – displays additional commands to the player.
  • exit – exits the program.


To deploy this project navigate to the project using a command-line interface navigate to the directory where gradle.build is contained.

Building The Project

To run with a GUI in your command-line type the following commands depending on your platform.

Linux 🐧

  • gradle build


  • .\gradlew build

Linux Lab 🐧

If this is being run on the linux lab you might need to specify a jdk that is at least above jdk 17 or else you might get an error. To do this run with the following commands .

  • gradle build -Dorg.gradle.java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-20-openjdk

Running using CLI or GUI

To run the CLI version of Word Wizards after building navigate to the newly created /build/libs directory the project directory. This contains a WordWizards.jar file which you can run using the following commands.

Linux Lab 🐧


Windows ☁️

  • java -jar .\WordWizards.jar-1.0.0-all.jar

Linux 🐧

  • java -jar WordWizards.jar-1.0.0-all.jar


Windows ☁️

  • java -jar WordWizards.jar-1.0.0-all.jar cli

Linux 🐧

  • java -jar WordWizards.jar-1.0.0-all.jar cli

Common Issues

If you are encountering issues with running this program as a jar you can run it in the gradle enviroment instead. After building the project navigate to where the build.gradle file is contained and execute these commands depending on your platform.

Windows CLI ☁️

  • gradle -q --console plain run --args='cli'

Windows GUI ☁️

  • gradle -q --console plain run

Linux CLI 🐧

  • gradle --console plain run --args='cli

Linux Lab CLI 🐧

  • gradle run -Dorg.gradle.java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-20-openjdk -q --args='cli'

This will look like it takes a while to run, but it ensures that gradles output does not mess with the CLI output you will not see gradles progress bar.

Design Patterns Used :

  1. Memento - the fields of the puzzle that are saved are stored within a Memento class nested in the Puzzle class. The GameState class saves the Memento to a JSON file and loads that saved Memento to load a puzzle.
  2. Command - Clicking the New button in the GUI uses a NewPuzzleCommand to called on by the Controller to create a new Puzzle.
  3. Builder - A new GameState is created via GameStateBuilder nested within the GameState class.
  4. Singleton - The Database class is implemented as a Singleton and used to access the sqlite database.
  5. State - The GameState has two States, FreshState and Completed State. When a user successfully guesses all the valid words in a puzzle, the State will change from FreshState to CompletedState. Afterwards a new message will be shown to the user whenever they try further guesses.
  6. Factory - A Factory for Commands has been implemented via the CommandFactory class. When the controller wants to create a NewPuzzleCommand, it will call on the CommandFactory's getCommand method, which returns the desired Command.