SpellingBee by G-J-IFY


Welcome to SpellingBee by G-J-IFY.

This is an homage to the New York Times word puzzle, Spelling Bee. Users are prompted to build words using only the seven letters in their puzzle, and each word must include the center letter. Letters can be repeated within a word.

Can you guess all the words and become the Queen Bee you're meant to be?


This application runs on the following operating systems

  • Windows 10, 11
  • macOS
  • Linux

Before running the program, you must have Python installed (3.11.2 at the time).
Installation instructions can be found on the official python site.

These dependencies will be automatically isntalled:

  • pytest 7.2.2
  • pyqt6 6.4.2
  • prompt_toolkit 3.0.38
  • pytest-cov 4.0.0
  • coverage 7.2.2
  • pycryptodome 3.17


First, clone repository with:

git clone "https://github.com/mucsci-students/2023sp-420-G-J-IFY.git"

Then, navigate to `./GitHub/2023sp-420-G-J-IFY/

If you would like to install in a virtual environment, run:


python -m venv venv


python3 -m venv venv

then activate the environment:


source venv/bin/activate


source venv/bin/activate

To install the requirements


pip install -r requirements.txt


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Executing program

Running the GUI


python spellingbee


python3 spellingbee

Running the CLI


python spellingbee --cli


python3 spellingbee --cli

Running the tests

To run the tests, enter the following command


Running the tests with code coverage

To run the tests and check code coverage of the model, enter the following command

pytest --cov=spellingbee/model

To generate a coverage report of the model, after running the above command, enter the following

coverage report -m

Creational Design Patterns


Organized out into applicable folders, our project has all of our backend business logic stored in 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/SpellingBee/model

For the visual representation of the game's underlying logic, we have two classes, 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/cview/cli.py and 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/gview/MainWindow.py.

Finally, to bridge the gap between the model and the two views, we have a combination of 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/controller/GUIAdapter.py, 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/controller/CLIAdapter.py, and 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/controller/cmd.py that act as the controller.


The output object is used to store information to be displayed to the user playing either the CLI or GUI version of the game. Since this object needs to be accessed in any file and only one copy should exist, we implemented singleton to prevent another to be created. Stored in 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/SpellingBee/model/output.py.

The object is created in spellingbee/controller/cController/__main__.py for the CLI and in spellingbee/controller/GUIAdapter.py for the GUI.

Behavioral Patterns


The game requires a mix of saving options, which led to a confusing mix of fucntion calls that largely did the same thing. We implemented a strategy to reduce the complexity of function calls. Strategy class is stored in spellingbee/model/StateStorage.py


To implement a command pattern, we created 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/controller/cmd.py that contains a collection of classes that are used to execute commonly used commands. Many of those classes are directly accessed in the CLI through "!" commands, and those same commands are accessed by the GUI through its buttons.


In order to improve our code reusability, we needed to employ two decorators, 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/controller/GUIAdapter.py and 2023sp-420-g-j-ify/controller/CLIAdapter.py, to allow both views to use the commands added in cmd.py. These decorators allow the entire model to be completely independent of the view.


We have lots of lists in our program, and need to be able to work through them quickly and simply. An iterator pattern was implemented for just that purpose. An example can be found in spellingbee/controller/cController/CLIAdapter.py in the removeColumn funciton.


Isaak Weidman

Gaige Zakroski

Yah'hymbey Baruti Ali-Bey

Jacob M Lovegren

Francesco Spagnolo

Version History

  • 1.0.0

    • Initial CLI release
  • 2.0.0

    • Initial GUI release
  • 3.0.0

    • Launch of hints feature
  • 4.0.0

    • Launch of local high score
    • Launch of encrypted saves
    • updates to GUI and CLI


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.