

The UML Editor is a Java-based software tool designed to facilitate the creation and manipulation of Modeling Language [UML EDITOR] diagrams. This application provides users with a platform to visually represent the structure and relationships of components within a software system, aiding in design, analysis, and documentation.


Create, delete, and manipulate classes with fields, methods, and relationships. Save and load to standar JSON format.

State to run the program:

Design Patterns Used

  • Memento is implemented in our redo/undo for storing and retrieving each state of the program.
  • Command is used for the UMLDiagram and UMLCli where the cli calls the functions from the diagram.
  • Builder is implemented in our relationship arrows all the different arrows have different builders.
  • Strategy is implemented in our snapshot.
  • Adaptater is implemented in our jlinereader in the cli which allows for interaction with the tab completer.
  • MVC is implemented throughout our project.


2. Running the Application

Windows Commands

  • To run the gui use java -jar .\target\java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • To run the cli use java -jar .\target\java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar cli

Linux Commands

  • To run the gui use java -jar ./target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • To run the cli use java -jar ./target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar cli


  • To run the tests use mvn clean test
  • Run specific tests by using "mvn test -Dtest=TestClassName#MethodName" where TestClassName is the name of the file you want to run and Methodname is the name of the test you want to run, you can also use * as the MethodName to run all tests of that class.

3. Code Coverage

  • In the java2 director run mvn clean jacoco:prepare-agent install jacoco:report
  • As well as mvn jacoco:report
  • Then open 2024sp-420-JavaB\java2\target\site\jacoco\index.html in your web browser to find the total test coverage.

List of known bugs

  • The Gui class boxes will detatch from cursor if moving too quickly


Eric Almonrode, Joshua Lease, Cullen Kurtz, Vasilis Bougiamas