A custom component for Home Assistant to detect iPhones connected to local LAN, even if the phone is in deep sleep.
- 2
"Unknown error" on reconfigure
#140 opened by ildar170975 - 4
Consider Home parameter limit
#138 opened by mate-b - 2
Czech/German Translations
#137 opened by Betacart - 5
The see service is not supported for this entity
#124 opened by rekatab - 9
Probe returning away on all iphones
#119 opened by mtthidoteu - 1
AttributeError: module 'homeassistant.helpers.config_validation' has no attribute 'config_entry_only_config_schema'
#125 opened by iwangzhuo - 4
One minute delay to detect away.
#133 opened by mwolter805 - 1
- 18
'The YAML configuration is being removed' but iPhone Device Tracker no longer works if you delete the settings in the YAML files
#135 opened by liuk4friends - 7
- 0
v1.4.2 - not working on HA core 2024.8.2
#134 opened by kvlq - 1
Can't add integration via UI
#128 opened by FPSUsername - 1
#130 opened by CH1PSET1 - 2
should I use `interval_seconds ` or `scan_interval `?
#120 opened by latel - 4
Integration not working since 2025.1.0!
#126 opened by lukelalo - 11
Can iPhone on different subnet be detected?
#81 opened by mydliar - 1
Inconsistent results on iphone, works on android?
#122 opened by willie013 - 2
Detect by DNS
#121 opened by roisec - 1
entities disapear on ha reboot
#117 opened by koburg - 1
consider_home: does not work in 1.4 and 2.0.4
#85 opened by smart-ctrl - 7
Setup failed for custom integration `iphonedetect`: No setup or config entry setup function defined.
#110 opened by ms1design - 5
'iphonedetect' accesses hass.helpers.event. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024.11
#116 opened by ualex73 - 2
2.0.5: Too many open files
#99 opened by silywalks - 4
No NUD state found for IP
#115 opened by chgaertner - 4
A device is permanently "not_home" - but the integration writes same records into DB
#105 opened by ildar170975 - 6
- 1
What is the last version - 1.4.1 or 2.0.5?
#112 opened by ildar170975 - 1
SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTER was used from iphonedetect, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Use SourceType.ROUTER instead
#109 opened by chaoxiaodi - 1
SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTER was used from iphonedetect, this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1
#108 opened by Yulathh - 1
What's in 2.x version?
#82 opened by MacDada - 2
Can't rename device
#96 opened by Coder84619 - 1
I'm currently using iphonedetect and it works fine, but I have another device_tracker based tracker that seems to conflict when I enable it at the same time, is there any way to tell the difference? For example device_tracker.iphonedetect
#98 opened by MagicStarTrace - 4
There is a warning in HA 2024.1b
#101 opened by gieljnssns - 1
SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTER was used from iphonedetect
#107 opened by hindsight2021 - 2
Support single device with multiple IPs
#100 opened by d-dsn - 4
Async issue
#95 opened by Senbei123 - 1
#94 opened by MarioCucuc - 1
Iphonedetect fails on one device
#91 opened by VentusGallus - 1
Iphone not detect when HA only on ethernet
#87 opened by skywluke - 1
#86 opened by pointlevel - 1
`consider_home` on 1.4 does not work?
#83 opened by MacDada - 0
iphone12 is always "at home"
#80 opened by mymaxwell - 2
Warning in the new HA beta
#89 opened by gieljnssns - 0
No detecting any device
#103 opened by roisec - 1
Config entry was never loaded
#97 opened by weaseel - 1
- 1
Device tracker not loaded
#93 opened by henrikf75 - 1
- 1
"Errno -3" on hass 2022.11.4
#84 opened by chilicheech - 3
No module named 'pr2modules.ethtool'
#79 opened by OToussaint