mysqldiff -get diff between src and dst [badge]

mysqldiff shows difference between database and sql file, sql files and databases.

original mysqldiff is created by @onishi.

mysqldiff get two args , one is "source" and the other is "destination". Schmea has two types:

  • database
  • sql.file


% mysqldiff "-hlocalhost current" ./sql/newschema.sql
ALTER TABLE sushi ADD COLUMN `freshness` INT NOT NULL AFTER `price`;
CREATE TABLE yakizakana (
  id   INT UNSIGNED ...,
  name VARCHAR(255),

Source Combination

  • database - database
    • mysqldiff "-hproduction sample" "-hlocalhost sample"
  • database - sql file
    • mysqldiff "-hproduction sample" ./new.sql
  • sql file - sql file
    • mysqldiff ./old.sql ./new.sql

Schema type detection

mysqldiff detects one from two shcema type by existance of given file.


  • write tests.
  • use goroutin/channel to read schemas.