
Library for creating web applications in the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Library for creating web applications in the browser.


Despite there being so many front-end web frameworks and libraries I didn't find one I wanted to keep using.


These are the criteria and goals for viv:

  1. Very good documentation of how to use the library and how the library works.
  2. No dependancies (other than Javascript and a modern web browser).
  3. No virtual DOM.
  4. No compiler.
  5. No syntax that is not Javascript. No HTML and no template language.
  6. No magic, leveraging regular Javascript as much as possible.
  7. Simple implementation.
  8. Simple to use.
  9. Developer has fine-grained control over which parts of an application update and when.
  10. Good performance.
  11. Made for developer productivity, reliablity and security.