
A configurable cache and memory hierarchy simulator implemented in C++. It models the behavior of a two-level cache hierarchy with parameters like cache size, associativity, and block size. The simulator processes memory access traces, implements write-back and write-allocate policies, and reports cache access statistics.

Primary LanguageC++

Cache and Memory Hierarchy Simulator

This is a C++ implementation of a cache and memory hierarchy simulator. The simulator models the behavior of a two-level cache hierarchy with configurable parameters such as cache sizes, associativity, block size, and prefetching. It processes memory access traces and reports various statistics.


  • Configurable L1 and L2 cache parameters (size, associativity, block size)
  • Write-back and write-allocate policies
  • LRU replacement policy
  • Memory access traces processed from a file
  • Computation of cache access statistics (hits, misses, reads, writes)
  • Stream buffer prefetching support


  • C++ compiler with C++11 support
  • Make (optional, for using the provided Makefile)



To compile the simulator, run the following command:

g++ -std=c++11 -O3 cachesim.cpp -o cachesim

Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile by running:


Running the Simulator

To run the simulator, use the following command:

./cachesim <BLOCKSIZE> <L1_SIZE> <L1_ASSOC> <L2_SIZE> <L2_ASSOC> <PREF_N> <PREF_M> <trace_file>
  • BLOCKSIZE: The size of each cache block in bytes (must be a power of 2)
  • L1_SIZE: The total size of the L1 cache in bytes
  • L1_ASSOC: The associativity of the L1 cache (1 for direct-mapped)
  • L2_SIZE: The total size of the L2 cache in bytes (0 for no L2 cache)
  • L2_ASSOC: The associativity of the L2 cache (1 for direct-mapped)
  • PREF_N: Enable prefetching (1) or disable prefetching (0)
  • PREF_M: Prefetch distance (number of blocks to prefetch ahead)
  • trace_file: The path to the memory access trace file


./cachesim 64 1024 2 4096 4 1 8 traces/trace1.txt

Trace File Format

The memory access trace file should contain one memory access per line, with the following format:

r|w <hex_address>
  • r for a read access, w for a write access
  • hex_address: The memory address in hexadecimal format


r 0x1234
w 0x5678
r 0xabcd

Simulator Structure

The main components of the simulator are:

  • CacheBlock: Represents a single cache block, storing the valid bit, dirty bit, tag, and data
  • CacheSet: Represents a cache set, containing a vector of cache blocks and an LRU order
  • StreamBuffer: Represents a stream buffer for prefetching, storing prefetched blocks and managing the buffer
  • Cache: Represents a cache module with configurable size, associativity, block size, and prefetching support
  • MemoryHierarchy: Represents the entire memory hierarchy, containing L1 and L2 cache instances

The main function parses the command-line arguments, creates a MemoryHierarchy instance, and processes the memory accesses from the trace file. Finally, it prints the cache access statistics.

Prefetching Support

The simulator now includes support for stream buffer prefetching. When prefetching is enabled (PREF_N set to 1), the cache will attempt to prefetch blocks ahead of the current access based on the specified prefetch distance (PREF_M).

The StreamBuffer class manages the prefetched blocks and handles the prefetching logic. When a cache miss occurs and prefetching is enabled, the cache will check the stream buffer for the requested block. If found, it counts as a stream buffer hit. If not found, the cache will initiate a prefetch operation to bring the subsequent blocks into the stream buffer.

The cache access statistics now include stream buffer hits and prefetch-related information.

Extending the Simulator

To add support for prefetching, you'll need to:

  • Implement a StreamBuffer class to represent stream buffers
  • Modify the Cache class to include prefetching logic and stream buffer integration
  • Update the MemoryHierarchy class to handle prefetching and collect relevant statistics
  • Advanced prefetching algorithms like stride-based prefetching or adaptive prefetching that could potentially improve cache performance.
  • Implementing a complete MESI (Modified-Exclusive-Shared-Invalid) protocol
  • Validate the correctness of the cache simulator