DMV Appointment Checker


This script checks for available DMV appointment slots at specified locations and during specified times. It fetches appointment information from the NJ DMV website and alerts the user if a desired appointment slot is available.


  • Python 3
  • requests library
  • BeautifulSoup library
  • re library
  • datetime library
  • os library
  • time library
  • prettytable library


  • DMV_NAMES: A list of names of DMV locations in New Jersey
  • START_DATE: The starting date for the appointment search
  • END_DATE: The end date for the appointment search
  • DESIRED_TIME: A list of desired appointment time range
  • SLEEP_TIME: The number of seconds the code will wait before making another appointment search
  • URL_BASE: The base URL of the NJMVC appointment page
  • DMV_CODES: A list of DMV location codes
  • ERROR_MSG: Error message displayed when an error is encountered


  1. Install the required libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt in the terminal
  2. Run the script python in the terminal
  3. The script will run indefinitely and check for desired appointment slots every SLEEP_TIME seconds
  4. If a desired slot is available, the script will alert the user by printing the message to the terminal and using the built-in say function (Mac only).
  5. If an error is raised during the script execution, the ERROR_MSG message will be printed to the terminal.

Note: This script was tested on a Mac machine and may not work on Windows or Linux systems without modification.