
PyTorch implementation of Infini-Transformer from "Leave No Context Behind: Efficient Infinite Context Transformers with Infini-attention" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.07143)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Infini-Transformer (https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.07143) is a powerful and versatile transformer model designed for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. It leverages state-of-the-art techniques and architectures to achieve exceptional performance and scalability to infinite context lengths.


  • Scalable architecture for handling long sequences
  • Large-scale pre-training on diverse datasets
  • Support for multiple downstream tasks, including text classification, question answering, and language generation
  • Efficient fine-tuning for task-specific adaptation
  • Includes a Mixture-of-Depths (https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.02258) transformer layer that incorporates Infini-Attention

Directory structure

├── infini_transformer/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── transformer.py
│   ├── compressive_memory.py
│   └── activations.py
├── examples/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── modinfiniformer.py
├── tests/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── test_transformer.py
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
└── pyproject.toml

Getting Started

To get started with Infini-Transformer, you can clone the repository and install it from source:

git clone https://github.com/dingo-actual/infini-transformer.git
cd infini-transformer
pip install -e .



The CompressiveMemory module is a key component of the Infini-Transformer architecture. It is designed to handle long sequences efficiently by compressing and storing the input tokens in a memory matrix and normalization vector. This allows the model to maintain a large context window while keeping the memory usage bounded.

It performs a variant of multi-head self-attention with a recurrent update step by dividing the input tensor along its sequence dimension (which is assumed to be dimension 1). It begins by performing learned linear projections of the input into key, query and value tensors, from which it extracts segments for each recurrent step.

At each recurrent step, it calculates a learned linear combination of linear attention (which uses the memory and normalization matrices) and SDP attention. It then updates the memory matrix and normalization vector using the current step's key and value matrices, along with the current memory matrix and normalization vector. Before output, the combined attention tensor is stacked along all heads, then projected back to the input dimension.

The outputs from each recurrent step are concatenated along the sequence dimension (dimension 1) to produce the final output tensor.

The update for the memory matrix has two variants: linear and delta.

The linear update rule is: $$M_t = M_{t-1} + \bigl(\textrm{ELU}(K_{t-1}\bigr) + 1)^TV_{t-1}$$

The delta update rule is: $$M_t = M_{t-1} + \bigl(\textrm{ELU}(K_{t-1}) + 1\bigr)^T \biggl( V_{t-1} - \frac{(\textrm{ELU}(K_{t-1}) + 1)M_{t-1}}{(\textrm{ELU}(K_{t-1}) + 1)z_{t-1}}\biggr)$$

Where $M_i$ is the memory matrix and $z_i$ is the normalization vector at step $i$. The $K$ and $V$ matrices are subscripted to indicate the recurrent steps they correspond to.

Computations are stacked along the embedding dimension whenever possible to make use of multi-head attention in an efficient manner.

The CompressiveMemory module takes the following arguments:

  • dim_input: The input dimension of the tensors.
  • dim_key: The dimension of the key tensor and query tensors.
  • dim_value: The dimension of the value tensor.
  • num_heads: The number of attention heads.
  • segment_len: The length of each segment in the recurrent attention computation.
  • update: The type of update to use for the memory matrix. Can be "linear" or "delta".
  • causal: Whether to use causal attention in SDP calculations (where each position can only attend to previous positions).

Example usage of the CompressiveMemory module is as follows:

import torch

from infini_transformer.compressive_memory import CompressiveMemory

cm = CompressiveMemory(

batch = torch.randn(
    2, # batch size
    65536, # sequence length
    768 # input dimension

output = cm(batch)

During training, no special handling of the output is required.


The InfiniTransformer class implements a variation on the original transformer the utilizes CompressiveMemory in place of standard self-attention. This allows the model to efficiently handle long sequences by compressing and storing the input tokens in a memory matrix and normalization vector. It makes use of the CompressiveMemory module to perform a variant of multi-head self-attention with a recurrent update step.

The primary difference between InfiniTransformer and an ordinary transformer is the replacement of CompressiveMemory for the standard multi-head self-attention mechanism.

The InfiniTransformer module takes the following arguments:

  • dim_input: The input dimension of the tensors.

  • dim_hidden: The hidden dimension of the MLP applied after multi-head self-attention.

  • dim_key: The dimension of the key tensor and query tensors.

  • dim_value: The dimension of the value tensor.

  • num_heads: The number of attention heads.

  • activation: The nonlinear activation function to apply in the MLP. The following activations are supported:

    • "relu": ReLU activation
    • "abs": Absolute value activation
    • "gelu": Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) activation
    • "swish": Swish activation
    • "swiglu": SwiGLU activation
    • "geglu": Gated Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GeGELU) activation
    • "ffnglu": Feed-Forward Network with Gated Linear Unit (FFNGLU) activation
    • "ffngeglu": Feed-Forward Network with Gated Gaussian Error Linear Unit (FFNGeGLU) activation
    • "ffnswiglu": Feed-Forward Network with Swish Gated Linear Unit (FFNSwiGLU) activation
  • segment_len: The length of each segment in the recurrent attention computation.

  • update: The type of update to use for the memory matrix. Can be "linear" or "delta". (Default is "linear".)

  • causal: Whether to use causal attention in SDP calculations (where each position can only attend to previous positions). (Default is False.)

  • dropout: The dropout rate to apply in the MLP. (Default is 0.0.)

Example usage of the InfiniTransformer module is as follows:

import torch

from infini_transformer import InfiniTransformer

tfm = InfiniTransformer(

batch = torch.randn(
    2, # batch size
    65536, # sequence length
    768 # input dimension

output = tfm(batch)

During training, no special handling of the output is required.


The MoDInfiniTransformer module extends the InfiniTransformer module to incorporate Mixture-of-Depths (Raposo, et. al; https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.02258). A MoDInfiniTransformer block takes a learned linear projection of its input to a single dimension, and uses the tokens with the top-k highest values for the operations performed by InfiniTransformer, adding all remaining tokens to the residual connection. This allows the model to focus its capacity on the most important parts of the input sequence, reducing overall computation and memory requirements even further than InfiniTransformer alone.

The top-k selection would ordinarily cause segments within the recurrent loop to have different lengths. We avoid this by dividing the selection evenly amongst all segments.

Due to the non-causal nature of the top-k selection, at inference time the scores produced during projection to 1 dimension are taken to be logits for independent binary classifiers. As such, we train the model with an additional term added to the loss for each ModInfiniFormer layer, which is the binary cross-entropy loss between the logits and the top-k tokens selected during training.

As such, the output from ModInfiniTransformer is a tuple consisting of three tensors:

  • The usual output tensor which matches the dimensions of the input tensor
  • A tensor of shape (batch_size * sequence_length, 1), which represents a binary mask of top-k tokens selected during training. This will be the target for our additional binary cross-entropy loss.
  • A tensor of shape (batch_size * sequence_length, 1) of logits corresponding to the binary mask above. This represents the scores used to select the top-k tokens and is considered the prediction for the additional binary cross-entropy loss.

At inference time, the second and third elements of the tuple can be safely ignored, as all token selection logic is handled within the MoDInfiniTransformer module itself.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The binary-classifier-based token selection mechanism for inference has no guarantee of selecting the same number of tokens for each element in a batch. If left unchecked, this would result in a ragged array, which is currently unsupported by PyTorch. The current solution in place is to force the batch size to 1 and concatenate forward passes over single observations. We are aware this is sub-optimal and hope to address it in the near future.

The MoDInfiniTransformer module takes the following arguments:

  • dim_input: The input dimension of the tensors.

  • dim_hidden: The hidden dimension of the MLP applied after multi-head self-attention.

  • dim_key: The dimension of the key tensor and query tensors.

  • dim_value: The dimension of the value tensor.

  • num_heads: The number of attention heads.

  • activation: The nonlinear activation function to apply in the MLP. The following activations are supported:

    • "relu": ReLU activation
    • "abs": Absolute value activation
    • "gelu": Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) activation
    • "swish": Swish activation
    • "swiglu": SwiGLU activation
    • "geglu": Gated Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GeGELU) activation
    • "ffnglu": Feed-Forward Network with Gated Linear Unit (FFNGLU) activation
    • "ffngeglu": Feed-Forward Network with Gated Gaussian Error Linear Unit (FFNGeGLU) activation
    • "ffnswiglu": Feed-Forward Network with Swish Gated Linear Unit (FFNSwiGLU) activation
  • segment_len: The length of each segment in the recurrent attention computation.

  • sampling_factor: A numeric value in the interval (1, segment_len) that determines the number of tokens to select from each segment during the top-k selection. A larger value of sampling_factor results in fewer tokens being selected.

  • update: The type of update to use for the memory matrix. Can be "linear" or "delta". (Default is "linear".)

  • causal: Whether to use causal attention in SDP calculations (where each position can only attend to previous positions). (Default is False.)

  • dropout: The dropout rate to apply in the MLP. (Default is 0.0.)

Example usage of the InfiniTransformer module is as follows:

import torch

from infini_transformer import MoDInfiniTransformer

tfm = MoDInfiniTransformer(

batch = torch.randn(
    2, # batch size
    65536, # sequence length
    768 # input dimension

output, select_target, select_pred = tfm(batch)

During training, we must account for the additional outputs from MoDInfiniFormer so we can use them for the binary cross-entropy loss. See infini_transformer/example/modinfiniformer.py for an example of how to incorporate the additional outputs into both the overall model output and the training loop.

Example Usage

Please see infini_transformer/example/modinfiniformer.py for an example of a model and training routine using the MoDInfiniTransformer module.

More examples will be forthcoming.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


We would like to thank the researchers and developers whose work has inspired and contributed to the development of Infini-Transformer and Mixture-of-Depths Transformer.

Also, we'd like to give special thanks to all the contributors, collaborators and people who have given feedback. Your efforts have made what was a rough outline of an implementation into something actually usable.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me at ryan@beta-reduce.net.