
Inspect and navigate into the development directory.


Devigator is a bash executable that makes it easy to inspect and jump around your local development directory.

How to use it

  1. Download the devigator plain text file into /usr/local/bin

    • curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mudlabs/devigator/master/devigator -o /usr/local/bin/devigator
  2. Change the development variable on line 55 to the path of your projects directory.

  3. Optionally create an alias in ~/.bash_profile that sources devigator for you.

    • If your running macOS Catalina and your default shell is zsh you can move all you aliases over to ~/.zshrc. Or keep them in .bash_profile and just add this to the very top of your .zshrc file;

    if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
        . ~/.bash_profile;

Why use it?

Because having to type out stuff like

cd my/development/directory/subdirectory
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git diff --name-status

whenevery you move from project to project, or just want a quick overview is too much.

Source it!

Devigator must be sourced. But it's amazing how much extra effort typing . devigator or source devigator feels like. So create an alias for it in ~/.bash_profile.

I went with alias dev=". devigator" and will be using that alias for the rest of the document.

Available Commands

These may change or grow over time, But for now they are;

  • dev - cd into your development directory
  • dev ls - list contents of development directory
  • dev help - displays the available commands
  • dev your-project - cd into that project
  • dev your-project ls - list contents of project directory

Example Output

Assuming you have an available directory named dogs.

~ $ dev dogs

 Changed Directory 
 Now working out of: dogs 
 Git enabled: true
 Working branch: bank_blueprints
 Last Commit                           
 Committer: Freddy Newandyke
 Commit Date: Fri Jul 30 08:32:45 1996 +1100
 Updated details on robbery location and crew.
 May have collected some background on Mr White,
 see crew.json for more.
 Repository Status                           
 M layout.html
 M loose_ends/crew.json
 ?? weapons.yml

bandit $