React Typescript SVG Playing Card components

A simple react component that renders svg playing cards by Adrian Kennard. Cards downloaded from and distributed under CC0 license.


svg2react used to create React components

This package is similar to heruka-urgyen/react-playing-cards. I discovered this package after I had rolled my own.

Used this tutorial by Rupert 'fildon' McKay to create npm package

Differences are

  • We have Joker cards
  • For now Only one set of cards instead of four
  • We name cars Suit first rather than Rank first. ie S2 rather than 2s for 2 of spades. Makes it possible to have Two cahracter React component names matching the card names
  • The SVGs are react components

How the components were made

Got zipfile from here

unzip to a folder make sure svg-to-react npm package is globally installed

# run svgtoreact. flip the two letter card names
for i in ??.svg;do orig=`echo $i|sed "s/.svg//"`; new=`echo $orig|rev`; svgtoreact $orig $new ;done
# rename .js to .tsx
for i in ??.js;do j=`echo $i|sed "s/.js//"`; mv $i $j.tsx;done
# Fix types
sed -i ''  's/(props)/(props: any)/g' *.tsx
# Generate map entries for cardsMap.ts

for i in  ??.tsx;do j=`echo $i|sed -e "s/.tsx//"`;echo $j: c.$j,;done
# Make index.tsx for importing cards
for i in  ??.tsx;do j=`echo $i|sed -e "s/.tsx//"`;echo "export {default as $j} from './$j'";done > index.tsx