JacKit is a scope based logger inspired from Python logging module. It is based on the CocoaLumberjack framework.
- Modern Swifty interface.
- Scope based logging control.
- Flexible & eye-saving console output formatting.
- Common layout options
- Merge contiguous logging with the same scope and level.
- Significant interval separator.
- HTTP logger to make logging available outside Xcode.
- Common automatic logging
- Launching reports
- Application states change report
- Tmux integration
JacKit is currently not published.
pod 'JacKit' :git => 'https://github.com/mudox/jac-kit.git'
// NetworkService.swift
import JacKit
private let jack = Jack("MyApp.NetworkService")
.set(level: .warning) // Set severity level at a higher scope
.set(format: .short) // Set formatting optoins at a higher scope
class NetworkService {
func request() {
.descendant("request") // Lower scope "MyApp.NetworkService.request"
.info("request ...") // Message with severity level `.info`
A scope is a string using reverse-DNS notation you use to represent arbitrary components in your project. For example:
// A method named `request` of class `NetworkService`.
// A class `MainViewController` in your App project.
// A method under from your framework project.
is an ancestor ofMyFramework.Component1.Class2.method3
is a descendant ofMyApp
Descendants inherit scoped based behaviors from its nearest ancestor who have corresponding behavior set. You can explicitly set behaviors on a given descendant to override those inherited behaviors from upstream.
Each Jack
instance is associated to a given scope when initialized.
Each Jack
instance expose 2 important properties associated with its
- Severity
. - Formatting
They are computed properties, values assigned to are stored in a private shared place indexed by the scope string.
Every time the property value is read, it is resolved under 3 cases:
Explicitly set on current scope.
// Scope have its severity level explicitly set to `.info` let jack = Jack("A.B.C") jack.set(level: .info)
Inherit from parent scope.
// Explicitly set severity level at higher scope. Jack("A").set(level: .warning) // This scope have its severity level inherited from ancetor "A". let jack = Jack("A.B.C") jack.debug("...") // This message will not be logged out.
Use fallback value if no parent scope have this property set.
// This scope and all its ancestor have not set the severity level. // Hence use the fallback value - `.verbose` let jack = Jack("A.B.C") jack.debug("...") // `.debug` is higher than the fallback level `.verbose`, messge get logged out.
Use custom icon for one time.
jack.info("🌻 only use this icon for thismessage, format: .bare")
Use custom icon for multiple logging messages under same severity level.
let log = Jack("⛑ ").set(format: .noIcon).
jack.debug("some logging")
JacKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.