
T-SQL FTW - Node module for MSSQL access on Windows - Async C++ module.

Primary LanguageC++

TSQLFTW - T-SQL For The WIN(dows) - by Fosco Marotto (gfosco@gmail.com)

Work in Progress... Currently supports Connect / Query / Close.

This is the package for the C++/.NET Node Module.  The Debug folder holds the current working output, and a working example resides in the /example folder.

usage example:

var db = require('./tsqlftw').tsqlftw;
var mssql = new db();

mssql.connect('server=localhost\\sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=MyDB;', function (err, data) {
    mssql.query('select * from myTable', function (err, results) {
		results = JSON.parse(results);
		// result set is in results.rows and has a row number.
		mssql.close(function (err, results) {
		       console.log('Connection closed.');

* saary - node.net module example. https://github.com/saary/node.net
* James Newton-King - JSON parser for .NET. http://james.newtonking.com/pages/json-net.aspx