
Source code for pyMMAX2, a Python API for MMAX2

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the repository for pyMMAX2, a Python API for MMAX2. pyMMAX2 is introduced in this paper, presented as a poster at LAW 2020.

This site is permanently under construction, while new functionality is being added! Get in touch if you have questions or comments, or want to contribute!


Perform the following steps for a minimal installation. For actual applications, simply install pyMMAX2 and its required dependencies (if not installed already) into your working environment.

$ conda create --name pymmax2 python=3.6 colorama beautifulsoup4 regex jpype1
$ source activate pymmax2
$ pip install lxml
$ git clone https://github.com/nlpAThits/pyMMAX2.git
$ cd pyMMAX2
$ pip install .

If you want to use the JPype-based integration of the MMAX2 annotation scheme business logic (recommended), you need a current MMAX2 version, which can be downloaded from here. MMAX2 itself does not require any installation, and comes with all necessary libraries.

Loading and Validating MMAX2 datasets

The following example uses the streamlined version of the ACL Anthology coref dataset (original available here) from the MMAX2-Showcase project. Note that the --common_paths parameter is used to supply a global common_paths.xml file (not present in the original dataset). This is the recommended practice for large collections of homogeneous MMAX2 datasets, because it renders unnecessary the large number of identical style, scheme, customization, and common_paths files, allowing modifications in one place for the entire collection.

$ python load_mmax.py \
   --mmax_file ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1016/C02-1016.mmax \
   --common_paths ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml 
MMAX2 Project Info:
.mmax file        : ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1016/C02-1016.mmax
Basedata elements : 4222
Markable levels   :
 coref            : 267 markables [default: Annotation scheme instance not available!]
 sentence         : 195 markables [default: Annotation scheme instance not available!]

The script just loads one .mmax file and prints some project info to the console. Since no MMAX2 libraries base folder is specified using the --mmax2_libs parameter, default attributes for the two markable levels coref and sentences are not available.

Compare the above to the behaviour of the following command, which does specify the MMAX2 libraries base folder, causing Java-based annotation scheme handling to be executed in the background. The effects are three-fold: First, info messages from the Java code are printed to the console. Second, default attributes for both markable levels are determined from the annotation scheme xml files (as specified in global_common_paths.xml), and displayed with the project info. Third, two validation exceptions are raised.

python load_mmax.py \
   --mmax_file ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1016/C02-1016.mmax \
   --common_paths ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml \ 
   --mmax2_libs ../MMAX2/Libs/

Reading <annotation> tags from common paths file ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml
Loading level coref ... 
   Creating anno scheme
   Creating markable level
File header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Loading level sentence ... 
   Creating anno scheme
   Creating markable level
File header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Layer sentence has been set to visible!
2 validation exceptions, e.g.
Level: coref, ID: markable_313
Supplied: {'coref_class': 'set_141', 'sure': 'yes', 'np_form': 'none'}
Valid:    {'np_form': 'none', 'sure': 'yes'}
Invalid:  {'coref_class': 'set_141'}
Missing:  {}

MMAX2 Project Info:
.mmax file        : ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1016/C02-1016.mmax
Basedata elements : 4222
Markable levels   :
 coref            : 267 markables [default: <>NP_Form:none, Sure:yes]
 sentence         : 195 markables [default: imported_tag_type:]

Note that the coref_scheme.xml in the MMAX2-Showcase version of the ACL Anthology dataset has been modified compared to the original scheme file, by making the coref_class attribute dependent on the np_form attribute having a non-default value. This makes np_form a (in MMAX2 parlance) branching attribute, which is visible in the <> prefix to the np_form attribute name above. As a result, the 'coref_class' is treated as invalid in two cases where np_form=none, because, according to the annotation scheme for the coref level, the coref_class attribute is only valid/accessible if the np_form attribute has a value different from 'none'.

The main purpose of using the Java-based annotation scheme handling in pyMMAX2 is to support validation. Validation is implemented on the level of individual markables, upon setting a markable's attributes with the set_attributes() method. As a general rule, attributes will always be assigned to the markable, regardless of their being valid. If validation errors are found, an InvalidMMAX2AttributeException will be raised. It is the developer's responsibility to handle this exception.

In the example above, validation was performed, but only a few exceptions were raised (which, however, seem to indicate actual errors in the dataset.) The following example provokes some more validation errors by using a modified coref_schene.xml (via global_common_paths_with_errors.xml).

$ python load_mmax.py \
   --mmax_file ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1016/C02-1016.mmax \
   --common_paths ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths_with_errors.xml \
   --mmax2_libs ../MMAX2/Libs/

Reading <annotation> tags from common paths file ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths_with_errors.xml
Loading level coref ... 
   Creating anno scheme
   Creating markable level
File header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Loading level sentence ... 
   Creating anno scheme
   Creating markable level
File header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Layer sentence has been set to visible!
Error: Value ne not found on attribute NP_Form!


Error: Value ne not found on attribute NP_Form!
53 validation exceptions, e.g.
Level: coref, ID: markable_168
Supplied: {'coref_class': 'set_110', 'sure': 'yes', 'np_form': 'ne'}
Valid:    {'sure': 'yes'}
Invalid:  {'coref_class': 'set_110', 'np_form': 'ne'}
Missing:  {}

MMAX2 Project Info:
.mmax file        : ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1016/C02-1016.mmax
Basedata elements : 4222
Markable levels   :
 coref            : 267 markables [default: <>NP_Form:none, Sure:yes]
 sentence         : 195 markables [default: imported_tag_type:]

The error in the coref_scheme.xml used above consists of changing the allowed value 'ne' for the np_form attribute to 'none'. As a result, loading markables with the (now invalid) 'ne' value will raise a validation exception on every markable with 'np_form=ne'. Single exceptions are collected during bulk markable loading, and another exception is raised at the end. The above output is the result of handling this exception.

Accessing MMAX2 Data and Creating Annotations

One of the motivations for creating pyMMAX2 was to allow for an easier integration of MMAX2 with the wide range of NLP and ML tools in the Python ecosystem. In the following, NLTK is used to add a POS level to an existing collection of annotation projects, again from the ACL Anthology dataset.

Adding a new level without a pre-existing annotation scheme to an existing MMAX2 project is one of the use cases that can be solved without annotation scheme evaluation, which is why the following example is called without the --mmax2_libs parameter. The following will add a markable level called 'pos' to all MMAX2 projects in the /C/ subfolder of the ACl Anthology dataset.

$ python postag_acl_coref.py \
  --mmax_dir ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/ \
  --common_paths ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml

This is pyMMAX2 version 0.57
Creating MMAX2Project from ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1004/C02-1004.mmax
Reading .mmax file at ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1004/C02-1004.mmax
Reading common paths info from ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml
Creating markable level coref
Creating markable level sentence
Loading basedata from ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1004/./Basedata/C02-1004_words.xml
	Loaded 3568 basedata elements
Level file name set to C02-1004_coref_level.xml
Level file name set to C02-1004_sentence_level.xml
Level pos not found.
Level file name set to $_pos_level.xml
File exists, creating backup ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml.1605538146931
Level file name set to C02-1004_pos_level.xml
Writing to ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1004/./Markables/C02-1004_pos_level.xml


This is pyMMAX2 version 0.57
Creating MMAX2Project from ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1002/C02-1002.mmax
Reading .mmax file at ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1002/C02-1002.mmax
Reading common paths info from ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/common_files/global_common_paths.xml
Creating markable level coref
Creating markable level sentence
Creating markable level pos
Loading basedata from ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1002/./Basedata/C02-1002_words.xml
	Loaded 4435 basedata elements
Level file name set to C02-1002_coref_level.xml
Level file name set to C02-1002_sentence_level.xml
Level file name set to C02-1002_pos_level.xml
Markables at ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1002/./Markables/C02-1002_pos_level.xml not found, skipping!
Writing to ../MMAX2-Showcase/acl_anthology_coref_coling_2012/C/C02-1002/./Markables/C02-1002_pos_level.xml

Note that in the above, after processing the first MMAX2 project found in the folder, the global_common_paths.xml file is saved, effectively adding the new markable level to all MMAX2 projects in the scope of that file.