
filter messages in vFile

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A remark-lint plugin to filter messages in a vFile from other linters.

It uses https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch.


This plugin filter vFile messages based on a calculated id.

The id includes the filename, the rule name and the location of the message and optional an additional parameter defined by optionName.






Option deny

An array of matcher to remove messages

Option allow (optional)

An array of matcher to keep messages (evaluated only after a match with deny)

Option stripPathPrefix (optional)

An array of string to remove from the path of the calculated id

Option optionName (optional)

A string for a property of the message appended to the id.

Parameter matcher

Always check the globstring against id and if this matched the second parameter check with parameter message.message, function check with parameter message

  • matcher := string
  • matcher := [string [, (string|regexp|function)]]

A matcher can be one of these combinations:

  • Type 1: matcher := globString
  • Type 2: matcher := [globString]
  • Type 3: matcher := [globString, regexpString]
  • Type 4: matcher := [globString, regexp]
  • Type 5: matcher := [globString, function]

With these options:

  • globString: a minimatch glob string.
  • regexpString: a string which would converted to a RegExp. Used like new RegExp(regexpString,'i').test(message.message).
  • rexexp: a RegExp called with parameter regexp.test(message.message).
  • function: a function called with parameter function(message).


Example configuration:

          ["docs/docs/README.md:remark-lint:retext-repeated-words:*", '^The parameter'],
        "allow": [



It uses the debug package, so you can enable the logs with

DEBUG=vfile-message-control remark


It not removes messages from plugins which attach to FileSet with fileSet.use() like remark-validate-links.