A small and flexible MPD client that may act as standalone application for an audio system.
- 1
Build fails with older libmpdclient
#14 opened by spendist - 0
Provide support for MPD albumart
#6 opened by muesli4 - 6
Add a license
#10 opened by doronbehar - 0
Add view for incremental filtering
#12 opened by muesli4 - 1
Break down event_loop with the MVC pattern
#8 opened by muesli4 - 0
- 0
- 4
Add support for Kobo e-ink devices
#1 opened by pazos - 0
Provide a better wrapper for MPD API calls
#4 opened by muesli4 - 0
Initial playback state is unknown
#3 opened by muesli4 - 2
libwtk-sdl2 not found on configure
#2 opened by elchmartin