App to get the most popular repository of any organisation and its best contributors
This application uses Java 8 and it is a Maven Spring Boot Project.
To Run this Project Locally on your system you can either run the command :
./mvnw spring-boot:run or open the project on Jetbrains Intellij and run the file.
- "/" : showing a small message
- "/repos/{org}/{n}/{m}" : The url ask for 3 variable inputs the org, n and m. org is a String representing the username of the organisation, n representing the count of repositories and m representing the count of contributors.
This request may take 10-15 seconds processing time depending on the repositories created by the organisation.
Sample image of an api request and its response
- Author: This Model class contains Information of a particular user present on github. The variable login represents users github id.
- Contributor: This Model class contains Information of a particular contributor of a particular repo. The variable total represents total commits and author contains the details of the author.
- Organisation: This Model class contains Information about a particular organisation.
- Repository: This Model class contains Information of a particular repository of a particular organisation. The variable fork_count represents total forks made to this repo.