
App to get the most popular repository of any organisation and its best contributors

Primary LanguageJava


App to get the most popular repository of any organisation and its best contributors This application uses Java 8 and it is a Maven Spring Boot Project. To Run this Project Locally on your system you can either run the command : ./mvnw spring-boot:run or open the project on Jetbrains Intellij and run the GithubRepoApplication.java file.

About Rest Endpoints

This application contains 2 rest endpoints
  1. "/" : showing a small message
  2. "/repos/{org}/{n}/{m}" : The url ask for 3 variable inputs the org, n and m. org is a String representing the username of the organisation, n representing the count of repositories and m representing the count of contributors. This request may take 10-15 seconds processing time depending on the repositories created by the organisation.
    Sample image of an api request and its response

POJO Model Classes Present in the Spring Boot Application

  1. Author: This Model class contains Information of a particular user present on github. The variable login represents users github id.
  2. Contributor: This Model class contains Information of a particular contributor of a particular repo. The variable total represents total commits and author contains the details of the author.
  3. Organisation: This Model class contains Information about a particular organisation.
  4. Repository: This Model class contains Information of a particular repository of a particular organisation. The variable fork_count represents total forks made to this repo.