
Gopher2000 - world domination via old school protocols

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


 _____             _                 _____  _____  _____  _____
|  __ \           | |               / __  \|  _  ||  _  ||  _  |
| |  \/ ___  _ __ | |__   ___ _ __  `' / /'| |/' || |/' || |/' |
| | __ / _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|   / /  |  /| ||  /| ||  /| |
| |_\ \ (_) | |_) | | | |  __/ |    ./ /___\ |_/ /\ |_/ /\ |_/ /
 \____/\___/| .__/|_| |_|\___|_|    \_____/ \___/  \___/  \___/
            | |

Gopher2000 - A Gopher server for the next millenium

Gopher2000 is a ruby-based Gopher server. It is built for speedy, enjoyable development of all sorts of gopher sites.

Build Status


  • Simple, Sintra-inspired routing DSL.
  • Dynamic requests via named parameters on request paths.
  • built on Event Machine.
  • Easy to mount directories and serve up files.
  • built in logging and stats.


  • Ruby 2 or greater
  • Nerves of steel


Writing a functional Gopher app is as simple as:

route '/simple' do
	"hi" # You can output any text you want here

Or, if you want to provide more interactivity, you can do something like:

route '/' do
  render :index

menu :index do
  # output a text entry in the menu
  text 'simple gopher example'

  # use br(x) to add x space between lines

  # link somewhere
  text_link 'current time', '/time'

route '/time' do
  "It is currently #{Time.now}"

You can see more working examples in the examples/ folder

Running a script

You can use the supplied wrapper script

gopher2000 -d examples/simple.rb

==> *start server at 7070*

Or, if you include gopher in your file, you can just run the script itself:

# scriptname.rb
require 'gopher2000'

# ...
# write some code here
# ...

# Then, run 'ruby scriptname.rb'

==> *start server at 7070*

There are several command-line options:

  • -d -- run in debug mode
  • -p [port] -- which port to listen on
  • -o [addr] -- what IP/host to listen on
  • -e [env] -- what 'environment' to use -- this isn't really used by Gopher2000, but you could use it when writing your app to determine how you behave in production vs development, etc.

Command line options will override defaults specified in your script -- so you can try out things on a different port/address if needed.


There's a pretty simple docker script which you can use to run an app. To run one of the included examples, you could do something like:

docker build -t gopher2000 .
docker run -p 7070:7070 --rm -it gopher2000 examples/simple.rb

This will run the simple example on port 7070. You can view it locally by running something like:

lynx gopher://

The Dockerfile is also published to Docker Hub, so you could run something like this:

docker run -p 7070:7070 --rm -v $PWD:/opt muffinista/gopher2000 /opt/gopher-script.rb

Developing Gopher Sites

Gopher2000 makes developing sites easy! Any time you change your script, Gopher2000 will reload it. This way, you can make tweaks and your site will be refreshed immediately. NOTE -- this is an experimental feature, and might need some work.

Serving Files and Directories

If you just want to serve up some files, there's a command for that:

mount '/files' => '/home/username/files', :filter => '*.jpg'

This will display a list of all the JPGs in the files directory.

Outputting Gopher Menus

There are a collection of commands to output Gopher menus (see rendering/menu.rb for the code). The commands are:

line(type, text, selector) - output a line of type 'type' -- see the RFC for the different types of links you can have.

text - output a line of text with no action on it.

br(x) - output x blank lines.

error - output an error message.

directory - (aliased as menu) output a link to a 'directory' -- this could be an actual directory if you're building some sort of filesystem tree, or a sub-menu for other actions in your app.

link(text, selector) - output a menu link to to the /selector path.

search(text, selector) -- output a link to a search action at /selector.

Outputting Text

If you would like to output text, but have the ability to format it nicely, you can use a 'text' block like this:

route '/prettytext' do
  render :prettytext

# special text output rendering
text :prettytext do
  @text = "A really long chunk of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ... nec massa."

  # nicely wrapped text
  block @text

  # spacing

  # smaller line-width
  block @text, 30

A call to:

echo "/prettytext" | ncat -C localhost 7070

Will return your text, but with nice wrapping, etc.

@todo headers, etc.

Making It Pretty

There are several helpers which you can call within render blocks to help make your output a little shinier:

width(x) will set the width of your output. The default is 80 characters. You can change this to make your output wider or thinner. This setting is used by block and also by the methods described below.

header(text, style='=') will generate a very simple 'header', which is basically the text you specify with an underline of the character you specify. It will be centered in your output width, and will look something like this:

     Hello There!

big_header is the same as header, except it is bigger and better!

 =   Hello There!    =

underline can be used to just output plain old lines, if you're into that sort of thing.


Here's some simple ways to test your server. First, you can always just install a gopher client. Or, if you like to live on the edge, there's a few commands worth learning. First, you can use netcat to achieve awesomeness. Here's some examples, assuming you're running the example script on port 7070:

# getting a menu listing

~/Projects/gopher2000: echo "/" | nc localhost 7070
isimple gopher example	null	(FALSE)	0
i	null	(FALSE)	0
i	null	(FALSE)	0
0current time	/time	7070
i	null	(FALSE)	0
0about	/about	7070
i	null	(FALSE)	0
7Hey, what is your name?	/hello	7070
i	null	(FALSE)	0
7echo test	/echo_test	7070
i	null	(FALSE)	0
1filez	/files	7070

# getting a simple text response
~/Projects/gopher2000: echo "/about" | nc localhost 7070
Gopher 2000 -- World Domination via Text Protocols

Or, you can use the equally awesome ncat, which is basically the successor to netcat. In general, I find that ncat works better, particularly if you're using non-blocking operations. Here's an example of it in operation:

# Testing text output

~/Projects/gopher2000: echo "/about" | ncat -C localhost 7070
Gopher 2000 -- World Domination via Text Protocols

# testing a route with some input

~/Projects/gopher2000: echo "/hello\tcolin" | ncat -C localhost 7070
iHello, colin!	null	(FALSE)	0



Logging is pretty basic at the moment. Right now debug messages are dumped to stderr. There's also an apache-esque access log, which can be written to a file specified like this:

set :access_log, "/tmp/access.log"

The log will rollover daily, so your million hits per day won't accumulate into an unmanageable file.

The format is a pretty basic tab-delimited file:

timestamp 		   	ip_address	request_url		result_code	response_size
2012-04-05 19:14:01	/lookup			success		46

Non-Blocking Requests

When not running in debug mode, Gopher2000 will handle requests without blocking -- this way, if you have an app that handles slow requests, your users aren't held up waiting for other requests to finish. However, this is somewhat experimental, so you can turn it off by setting :non_blocking to be false in your script:

set :non_blocking, false

Also, non-blocking is always off in debug mode.

You probably need to be wary of this feature if you're actually running a Gopher server that needs to be non-blocking. Read up on EventMachine's defer feature if you need to learn more.


  • More examples
  • Work on putting routing/rendering/etc into same context, and making instance variables/methods generally available.
  • Documentation
  • clean up/improve EventMachine usage
  • stats generation
