
The code for my personal site thingy.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meth's Personal Website

Here lies the code for my personal website.

Directory Structure

├── posts             <-- Markdown files for all posts
│   ├── blogs        
│   └── projects
└── src               <-- site source files
    ├── assets
    ├── components
    ├── pages
    └── styles

A Sorta Explanation

All posts are written in Markdown. GatbsyJS is used to convert them into static HTML with a custom style sheet I wrote (A big mess, needs major refactoring). All assets (pngs/SVGs, excluding font files) are optimized through gatsby-plugin-image. It handles the creation of images with multiple sizes for faster page loads.

I wanna have a local instance

You sure can.

git clone https://github.com/muffledMitosis/meth-dot-dev.git
cd meth-dot-dev
npm install
npm install -g gatsby-cli   # If you don't already have it
gatsby develop