
ensure mrp_radial_menu


To add menu item trigger event mrp:radial_menu:addMenuItem on your client side with an object like this:

{ id: 'revive', text: 'Revive', action: 'https://mrp_core/revive' }

Where: - "id" is a unique ID of the menu item there can only be one item with the same ID in the menu - "text" is the label of the menu - "action" is the NUI callback that'll be called when the item is clicked

Javascript example:

emit('mrp:radial_menu:addMenuItem', { id: 'revive', text: 'Revive', action: 'https://mrp_core/revive' });

Lua example:

TriggerEvent('mrp:radial_menu:addMenuItem', { id = "revive", text = "Revive", action = "https://mrp_core/revive" })

To remove a menu item use the same approach for event mrp:radial_menu:removeMenuItem with onbject:

{ id: 'revive' }

where "id" is the menu item to remove.