
Scenario: You are a database designer and developer who has been hired by two local businesses, Nora’s Bagel Bin and Jaunty Coffee Co., to build databases to help them manage their businesses. First, you will design a normalized physical database model to store data for Nora’s Bagel Bin’s ordering system. Then, you will use an existing database design document for Jaunty Coffee Co. to create its database. Once the tables have been built, you will load them with sample data and create a view and an index to protect and improve query performance. Finally, you will create both a simple query and a more complex table joins query to produce meaningful reports from the newly created database.

B. Create a database using the attached "Jaunty Coffee Co. ERD" by doing the following:

  1. Develop SQL code to create each table as specified in the attached “Jaunty Coffee Co. ERD” by doing the following:

a. Provide the SQL code you wrote to create all the tables.

b. Demonstrate that you tested your code by providing a screenshot showing your SQL commands and the database server’s response.

  1. Develop SQL code to populate each table in the database design document by doing the following:

Note: This data is not provided. You will be fabricating the data for this step.

a. Provide the SQL code you wrote to populate the tables with at least three rows of data in each table.

b. Demonstrate that you tested your code by providing a screenshot showing your SQL commands and the database server’s response.

  1. Develop SQL code to create a view by doing the following:

a. Provide the SQL code you wrote to create your view. The view should show all of the information from the “Employee” table but concatenate each employee’s first and last name, formatted with a space between the first and last name, into a new attribute called employee_full_name.

b. Demonstrate that you tested your code by providing a screenshot showing your SQL commands and the database server’s response.

  1. Develop SQL code to create an index on the coffee_name field by doing the following:

a. Provide the SQL code you wrote to create your index on the coffee_name field from the “Coffee” table.

b. Demonstrate that you tested your code by providing a screenshot showing your SQL commands and the database server’s response.

  1. Develop SQL code to create an SFW (SELECT–FROM–WHERE) query for any of your tables or views by doing the following:

a. Provide the SQL code you wrote to create your SFW query.

b. Demonstrate that you tested your code by providing a screenshot showing your SQL commands and the database server’s response.

  1. Develop SQL code to create a query by doing the following:

a. Provide the SQL code you wrote to create your table joins query. The query should join together three different tables and include attributes from all three tables in its output.

b. Demonstrate that you tested your code by providing a screenshot showing your SQL commands and the database server’s response.