
Builds Custom ECS AMI using Packer

Primary LanguageShell

Docker in AWS Packer ECS Repository


This repository provides builds a custom Elastic Container Service (ECS) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for use with the AWS Elastic Container Service, as described in the Packt publication Docker on Amazon Web Services.

Amazon Linux Versions

As of October 2018, the ECS AMI is published for both Amazon Linux 1 and Amazon Linux 2.

The book covers how to build a custom ECS AMI for Amazon Linux 1, as support for Amazon Linux 2 was not released until after the book was published.

Amazon have indicated the Amazon Linux 1 ECS AMI will not be supported after June 30, 2020, so it is recommended to review and use the Amazon Linux 2 build scripts included in this repository.

The complete Amazon Linux 1 scripts as described in the book are included on the master branch:

$ git clone https://github.com/docker-in-aws/packer-ecs.git
$ cd packer-ecs
$ git checkout master

The equivalent Amazon Linux 2 scripts are included on the amazon_linux_2 branch:

$ git clone https://github.com/docker-in-aws/packer-ecs.git
$ cd packer-ecs
$ git checkout amazon_linux_2