
This command-line application manages a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL.

  • department:

    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • name - VARCHAR(30) to hold department name
  • role:

    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • title - VARCHAR(30) to hold role title
    • salary - DECIMAL to hold role salary
    • department_id - INT to hold reference to department role belongs to
  • employee:

    • id - INT PRIMARY KEY
    • first_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee first name
    • last_name - VARCHAR(30) to hold employee last name
    • role_id - INT to hold reference to role employee has
    • manager_id - INT to hold reference to another employee that manages the employee being Created. This field may be null if the employee has no manager
  • Used MySQL NPM package to connect to your MySQL database and perform queries.

  • Used InquirerJs NPM package to interact with the user via the command-line.

  • Used console.table to print MySQL rows to the console. better for our purposes.

    Application link

  • GitHub repositories

Application's appearance
