Dockerfile for remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter

Dockerized remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter.

Makes it easy to debug with inspector to Mobile Safari from your computer.

NOTE: This Dockerfile is an unofficial project. I have no relationship with author of remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter project.


  • iOS or iPad OS device

  • PC (Linux):

    • Google Chrome

    • usbmuxd daemon (Tested on v1.1.1)

      • Ubuntu / Debian: $ sudo apt-get install -y usbmuxd

      • Arch Linux: $ sudo pacman -S usbmuxd

Quick Start

1. Enable "Web Inspector" of Mobile Safari

Open the "Settings" of iOS (or iPad OS). Then, Enable "Web Inspector" on "Safari" -> "Detail" section.

2. Start usbmuxd daemon on PC

$ sudo systemctl start usbmuxd

3. Connect iOS (or iPad OS) device to PC

4. Trust your PC on iOS (or iPad OS) device

5. Execute the follwing command on PC

$ sudo docker run -it --rm -p=8080:8080 -v /var/run/usbmuxd:/var/run/usbmuxd mugifly/remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter

6. Open inspector on PC

  1. Navigate to chrome://inspect on Google Chrome.
  2. Enable a checkbox of "Discover network targets".
  3. Click "Configure..." button. Then, Insert localhost:8080 to "IP address and port" field. Finally, click "Done" button.
  4. Now, tabs on Mobile Safari will appear in the "Remote Target" section of Google Chrome.


The built docker image from this Dockerfile contains the following softwares and applied those licenses. Thanks to authors.