
Webpage to buy groceries and foods like nearby shops and stores. The functional landing page has search options and location options. Google authentication was added for sign-in. Add items to add to the cart by clicking images on a landing page. Pick up and drop location functionality added.

Primary LanguageHTML

Dunzo Clone

Dunzo is a groceries and foods order site and it is the Indian based e-commerce company.


  • Functional landing page.
  • Google authentication implemented for signin.
  • Search functionalities added for searching the items like fruits, vegetables and groceries.
  • Location functionalities added for know location availability.
  • Add and remove items using add & remove button on groceries, fruits and vegetables, restuarant page.
  • Pickup and drop location functionalities and card payment method added.
  • Functional payment page added.

Tech Stacks:

html5 css3 javascript javascript mongodb


  1. Siddhalinga:https://github.com/Siddhalinga
  2. Vignesh:https://github.com/Vigneshprabu1398
  3. Ashutosh:https://github.com/Ashutosh
  4. Zaki:https://github.com/Zaki
  5. Bheema:https://github.com/bheema-284


Landing Page Login Page Search Functionality Page Location Functionality Page Groceries Functionality Page: Restuarant Page: Add to Cart Page Payment Address Page Payment Page Payment Successful Page