
Gui sql client for mysql, sqlite, postgresql, access and mssql databases

Primary LanguageC++


Sql client for mysql, sqlite, postgresql, access and mssql databases


  • Sessions
  • Autocompletion
  • Query history
  • Join helper
  • Data analysis tools: xy plot, distribution plot
  • Query result to sql expression converter


Main window

Join helper

Data import



  1. Clone sources (in git bash run git clone https://github.com/mugiseyebrows/mugi-query.git)

  2. Install MSVC 2019 compiler (Download Visual Studio Community and check MSVC vxxx for VS 2019 for x64 or x86 and SDK for Windows 10 in installer's components tab).

  3. Install qt5 from www.qt.io (you need qt account for that, sorry) (check latest Qt\Qt 5.x.x\MSVC 2019 64-bit and leave Developer and Designer tools as it is (Qt Creator, Debugging tools, cmake, ninja checked))

  4. Download qwt from sourceforge.net

  5. Unzip qwt-6.1.4.zip to some temporary directory

  6. Apply patch (in git bash navigate to qwt-6.1.4 parent directory and run patch -p1 -ruN -d qwt-6.1.4 < path\to\mugi-query\src\qwt-6.1.4-msvc2019.patch)

  7. Build and install qwt using guide in qwt-6.1.4/doc/html/qwtinstall.html

  8. Open mugi-query.pro in QtCreator and build project (assuming you have toolchain configured Tools -> Optioins -> Kits).

Linux (Ubuntu)

In terminal run

# installs qt5 and build tools
sudo apt install git build-essential qtbase5-dev qtchooser

# installs qwt and dependencies
sudo apt install libqwt-qt5-dev libqt5svg5-dev 

# installs sql plugins
sudo apt install libqt5sql5-mysql libqt5sql5-odbc libqt5sql5-psql libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5sql5-tds libqt5sql5-ibase 

git clone https://github.com/mugiseyebrows/mugi-query.git
cd mugi-query
qmake -qt=5 'CONFIG+=release'
make clean
strip mugi-query
sudo make install # installs to /usr/local/bin
python desktop.py # copies icons, creates desktop file