Pinned Repositories
this is an app that manages clients informations with providers associated
Currency converter is app built with nodejs and helps users to convert funds from one currency to another.
data-set-manager is an app that allows you to track different elements by setting up them,editing and removing them . It is built using React js
setup of my first microvesre project
A curated list of all the open-source internships/Programs
This is a web application that uses Machine Learning in order to recommend movies based on the movies you liked and the rating you gave it. It uses Flask and a Machine Learning algorithm.
an app that allows you to generate random quotes
This is a web application that uses large langauge models like openai GPT and langchain to summarize long movie scripts to short useful summary in order to get overview of a screenplay in few minutes. It uses Flask and a Machine Learning algorithms.
Stock metrics is an app that allows you to display active stocks of companies ,and you can see I ncome statement of past 5 years by selecting any company.It is built with react and redux .
This is a web app that allows users to translate texts from one language to another. It has support for almost all languages and it uses Google Cloud translate api
mugishasam123's Repositories
Stock metrics is an app that allows you to display active stocks of companies ,and you can see I ncome statement of past 5 years by selecting any company.It is built with react and redux .
ShowMania is a website for shows where you can get in find your favourite show like it and leave a comment. It is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript with data from TvMaze API(tv show data) and the Involvement API(likes and comments)
Leaderboard is an app that allows you to enter a player's name and their score ,after they are put on leaderboard with other players.
Todolist is an app that allows you to track all of your daily activities by setting up activities,editing and removing them .`. It is built using React js
this is the complete version of my portfolio project I built to implement best html5 and css3 best practices
this is the graphql conference page i built based on design provided by microverse at the end of first module to wrap up all skills gained in first module
Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. It is made primarily for JavaScript, but it can transform front-end assets such as HTML, CSS, and images if the corresponding loaders are included. webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.
Code review is a software quality assurance activity in which one or several people check a program mainly by viewing and reading parts of its source code, and they do so after implementation or as an interruption of implementation. At least one of the persons must not be the code's author
Jest is an open-source testing framework built on JavaScript, designed majorly to work with React and React Native based web applications
setup of my first microvesre project
This is the project i built to test- my tailwind and react skills i first learned so far and how to use hooks such as usestate etc
this is group project I built with my coding partner during javascript module at microverse
this todolist was built with plain javascript to assess the skills of javscript best practices,classes,modules etc
gitflow is Gitflow is a legacy Git workflow that was originally a disruptive and novel strategy for managing Git branches.
SpaceHub is an app that allows you to display a list of rockets,missions and you can reserve rockets ,enter missions and cancel reservation ,leave missions using spaceX api
Calculator is an app that allows you to do all basic mathematical calculations and also displays the quote of the day`. It is built using React js
Bookstore is an app that allows you to display a list of added books, add new book and remove a book. It is built using React and Redux
Stock metrics is a web(mobile-focused) app for checking the companies listed on the stock exchange and see their live metrics. Its data is consumed from the Financial modelling API. It is built using React, Redux, and Styled Components, Framer Motion, Recharts.
A curated list of all the open-source internships/Programs
Read this to know more about me including my status ,technologies I work with etc
A short exercise to help us talk about code.
OpenZeppelin starter-kit based GSN tutorial for a Chat App
Source Code for 'Practical System Programming with C' by Sri Manikanta Palakollu
A simple Java SSL/TSL socket client and server demo.