
Limitation in Reading View?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Kani3D commented

Thanks for your effort! I really like your plugin.

Is there a way to increase the number of "customized" codeblocks?
Im using the Multicolumn plugin as well (

Editing mode (fine):

Reading mode (only 4 codeblocks are customized)

  • Attachments: The note.

Thank you.

Kani3D commented

Solved it by reloading the plugin.

There is no limit how many code blocks will render. I don't know this plugin, but this is how it looks on my machine:
Try changing to a different theme, or disabling custom CSS (if applied) to see if it changes.
Also note, that there is also a problem with problem with Multicolumn plugin. It renders the document endlessly. I disabled my plugin and I saw this:
Even if I did not scroll up and down in the document the number before:
[Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took <N>ms
[Violation] 'setInterval' handler took <N>ms
kept increasing. Which is not good, since it causes extra load for Obsidian.

Solved it by reloading the plugin.

You were faster than me :D

Kani3D commented

Thanks for the very detailed reply tho.
Especially the endless rendering is something i was not aware of.
Really appreciate it.

Anytime :)