
Effects don't show up in reading view.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I just recently tried out your plugin.

Awesome plugin but it has one slight problem : Effects such as line highlighting, display of file name, display of language name and the indentation guides do not show up in the codeblock in reading mode.

They definitely do. Just switch the documents once to refresh it.

In a future version, the only things that shouldn't show up immediately, would be changes to the codeblock parameters (e.g. which line highlights, code folding, line number offset etc.). This unfortunately is a limitation of the obsidian parser for changes which does not register changes after the language name in codeblocks as something to refresh for. See this forum post. If this is going to change, then obsidian would have to make that change so please go and like/bump that thread if you want everything to instantly update!

@mugiwara85 Maybe rename this issue to make it an issue addressing non-instant renders for codeblock parameters?

Ok, I created a separate issue for this because what I'm referring to may not be the issue that @keyboard-penman had. The meta issue is now at #32.

It should work with the current release now as it should. Just report back, if you experience any issues.