
Since last update: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'header')

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Problems with code.

Since the update, I got in some of my notes this error message:

cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'header')

If I deactivate the plugin, everything runs fine.

Windows 10, latest Obsidian, latest CodeblockCustomizer plugin from yesterday.

Did you remove the data.json file, or reinstalled the plugin as written in the readme?

Thanks for your very fast reply. Yes, after I have read your text in the plugin information. ;-)

(Isn't it possible to delete this file automatically in the update procedure?)

Is it working now?
Not that I know of (which doesn't mean it is not possible, only that I haven't found a way for now.). This file contains the settings, and since I remade the settings (because I messed up a few things) it was required to delete the file. In the future there won't be any issue regarding this.

It does not seem to format the code. (I deactivated my own .css.)

This code

# Hier ist ein einfaches Python-Skript, das die aktuelle Uhrzeit ausgibt:
import datetime
# This is the second comment
now =
print("Aktuelle Uhrzeit:", now.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
$attachmentsDirectory = "c:\versuch"
Write-Host "lalala"
#Ausgabe einer Meldung, wenn das Verzeichnis attachments nicht vorhanden ist
Write-Output "INFO: Das Verzeichnis $attachmentsDirectory wurde nicht gefunden."

Shows in edit mode as


Shows in view mode as


but not similar to


This was my former data.json

  "bEnableLineNumbers": true,
  "bActiveCodeblockLineHighlight": true,
  "bActiveLineHighlight": true,
  "bGutterHighlight": false,
  "ExcludeLangs": "dataview, ad-*, md",
  "activeCodeBlockLineColor": "#073642",
  "activeLineColor": "#468eeb33",
  "backgroundColor": "#002B36",
  "highlightColor": "#054b5c",
  "bDisplayCodeBlockLanguage": true,
  "bDisplayCodeBlockIcon": true,
  "gutterTextColor": "#6c6c6c",
  "gutterBackgroundColor": "#073642",
  "SelectedTheme": "Dark Theme",
  "header": {
    "bHeaderBold": false,
    "bHeaderItalic": false,
    "bCodeblockLangBold": true,
    "bCodeblockLangItalic": false,
    "bAlwaysDisplayCodeblockLang": false,
    "bAlwaysDisplayCodeblockIcon": true,
    "bDefaultDarkTheme": false,
    "bDefaultLightTheme": false,
    "color": "#0a4554",
    "textColor": "#DADADA",
    "lineColor": "#46cced",
    "codeBlockLangColor": "#000000",
    "codeBlockLangBackgroundColor": "#008080"
  "colorThemes": [
      "name": "Dark Theme",
      "colors": {
        "activeCodeBlockLineColor": "#073642",
        "activeLineColor": "#468eeb33",
        "backgroundColor": "#002B36",
        "highlightColor": "#054b5c",
        "gutterTextColor": "#6c6c6c",
        "gutterBackgroundColor": "#073642",
        "header": {
          "bHeaderBold": false,
          "bHeaderItalic": false,
          "bCodeblockLangBold": true,
          "bCodeblockLangItalic": true,
          "bAlwaysDisplayCodeblockLang": false,
          "bAlwaysDisplayCodeblockIcon": false,
          "bDefaultDarkTheme": true,
          "bDefaultLightTheme": false,
          "color": "#0a4554",
          "textColor": "#DADADA",
          "lineColor": "#46cced",
          "codeBlockLangColor": "#000000",
          "codeBlockLangBackgroundColor": "#008080"
      "name": "Light Theme",
      "colors": {
        "activeCodeBlockLineColor": "#EDE8D6",
        "activeLineColor": "#60460633",
        "backgroundColor": "#FCF6E4",
        "highlightColor": "#E9DFBA",
        "gutterTextColor": "#6c6c6c",
        "gutterBackgroundColor": "#EDE8D6",
        "header": {
          "bHeaderBold": false,
          "bHeaderItalic": false,
          "bCodeblockLangBold": true,
          "bCodeblockLangItalic": true,
          "bAlwaysDisplayCodeblockLang": false,
          "bAlwaysDisplayCodeblockIcon": false,
          "bDefaultDarkTheme": false,
          "bDefaultLightTheme": true,
          "color": "#D5CCB4",
          "textColor": "#866704",
          "lineColor": "#EDD489",
          "codeBlockLangColor": "#C25F30",
          "codeBlockLangBackgroundColor": "#B8B5AA"
  "alternateColors": [],
  "ThemeName": ""

You have the default Obsidian theme selected. Did you read the readme?

That's how it looks on my machine.


Yes, I use the default theme.

I have activated my css snippet

/* Lösung für den Edit- und den Ansichts-Modus */

.comment  {
display: contents;


/* Behebt das Problem mit dem lime Balken im codeblock */
/* Spielt aber in Python immer noch verrückt, wenn man die Headline 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis minimiert > */

body > > div.horizontal-main-container > div > div.workspace-split.mod-vertical.mod-root > div > div.workspace-tab-container > div > div > div.view-content > div.markdown-reading-view > div > div > div:nth-child(10) > pre > pre  {
    background-color: #0b2b35 !important;

/* Code im dark theme 
.theme-dark code  {
    background-color: #002b36 !important;
    font-size: 0.3em;

/* Ändert die Schriftgröße von mehrzeiligem Code, der durch ein Plugin beeinflusst wird. */
.theme-dark .codeblock-customizer-RVline-text  {
    font-size: 1.3em;
    color: lightyellow;
    background-color: #073642;  /* teal */

.theme-light .codeblock-customizer-RVline-text  {
    font-size: 1.3em;
    color: black;
    background-color: #c3c3c3;  /* hellgrau */

and the probleme with the line break is gone.

The class codeblock-customizer-RVline-text does not exist anymore.
But you had the same problem last time as well. You definitely have some conflict with something on your machine.

Now I deactivated the classes codeblock-customizer-RVline-text in my custom css.

I remember ...

When I can format the code like this via your plugin settings, everything is ok? ;-)


I named it


Can you give me a file with these settings? The colors are much nicer...


They are in the plugin. Select the solarized theme.


In the moment, I did it right - it suddenly works ... Thank you very much for your great plugin and the fast help!



Anytime :)