
[Bug] When inputting Chinese, the link disappears

Closed this issue · 19 comments

Link does not disappear

I am using C language without annotations

Animation demonstration


Link disappear

I am using C language with annotations

Animation demonstration


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I am pretty sure, that this has something to do with your input method as last time, because it works for me:

How are you inputting chineese text? Are you on Windows? Did you add a chineese keyboard layout? Are you using a software for that? Or how?
Provide details so I can reproduce the issue.

you should add //,please refer #57 (comment) link disappear head

I did. Still works:


This is too strange. I have changed multiple Chinese input software and killed all software backends that may affect input behavior, but there is still a phenomenon of link disappearance

Here is the test library I am using

I am using a Windows system, The version number is 22H2

Tested input method software includes: Baidu Input Method, Xiaolanghao Input Method, Palm Input Method, and iFlytek Input Method

Hmm, interesting. I opened the Sandbox you sent, but it is still displayed correctly:

If I enter English after the link, it will not disappear. Once I enter Chinese after the link and go to the screen, the link will disappear

but you enter Chinese with your input method, right? If you copy from somewhere chinese text, and paste it, then it will work probably. That's why I say it has to do something with you input method.

Can you send maybe the html of that line? Maybe we can see there, what's happening

Can you send maybe the html of that line? Maybe we can see there, what's happening 你能把这行的 html 发给我吗?也许我们能看到那里发生了什么

how to get html

press CTRL+Shift+I and navigate to that line

yes, that one, but copy it and paste it here.

<div class="codeblock-customizer-line cm-active HyperMD-codeblock HyperMD-codeblock-bg cm-line" codeblockid="1" style=""><span class="codeblock-customizer-line-number" contenteditable="false"><span class="codeblock-customizer-line-number-element">1</span></span><img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"><span class="cm-hmd-codeblock" spellcheck="false">// 输入 <img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"><span contenteditable="false"></span><img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"><img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"><a class="cm-hmd-internal-link" contenteditable="false"><span class="cm-underline" data-path="From standard note-taking">From standard note-taking</span></a><img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"><img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"><span contenteditable="false"></span><img class="cm-widgetBuffer" aria-hidden="true"> </span></div>

It may really be an input method software issue, and I tested several input methods and found that one of them did not cause this problem

It probably is. If you give me a link for one of your input method software then I can download it, and have a look at it.

Now I have changed input method to sogou, this question is no longed appear