
Export to PDF, the code block is not expanded

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When I export to PDF, I find that the code block is not expanded by default when it is selected to be collapsed, should the default behavior when exporting be changed to expand?

Yepp, that's correct. But I could add a toggle, which if it is enabled would uncollapse all code blocks when printing, if that's ok?

I added a toggle in the "Print to PDF" section, where you can switch it. It is not yet released. If you want to try it out, you can take the main.js file, and overwrite yours with it (create a backup before overwriting). I would appreciate a feedback.

Thank you, I think it's enough to use it now, and I look forward to the official launch of this feature in the future.

Finally released. Officially available in version 1.2.7