
Long list of commands get hidden and cannot edit at top row in preview mode

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The top line in preview mode doesn't expand to size 2+ lines when wrapping kicks in.

Preview mode on top with Obsidian theme and no custom CSS enabled
Source mode on bottom, same conditions


Example to test:

```cwf hl:1|/:er,2-14|{:},4|De:ow,6|:ers,7|:es,10|:ations,11|:ions,12|:ls,13|:ing
// ! SECTION: 00 Workflow Macro Wrapper
{workflow:name=Workflow Name In Setting|key=spaceworkflow-234576211|label=label-used-to-apply|adminusers=@workflowAdmins@,@wf-SomeWorkflowRole@|stickylabels=label-used-to-apply,another_label,subpagelabel|content=pages}
    Details about this workflow
// ! SECTION: 02 Workflow Parameters
// ! SECTION: 03 States
// ! SECTION: 04 Workflow Pseudo-Functions and Calculations
// ! SECTION: 05 Workflow Steps and Permissions
// ! SECTION: 06 Instruction Messages and Emails
// ! SECTION: 99 Error handling

I didn't even noticed this. I will look into it