
Render not effect in reading mode

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When I highlight some line in edit mode, it effect immediately, but not effect in reading mode. I should click another document and then back to, it's normally.

Test in obsidian 1.6.7, sandbox
CodeblockCustomizer 1.2.7

Yes, I know, I haven't found a solution for this. This happens, because this is how Obsidian works. Changing the highlight parameters, does not trigger a rerender for reading mode, because Obsidian doesn't recognize that text as parameters.

@mugiwara85 Thanks for reply, I also have a question. Why the first line left align default, even i add some space(only in reading mode).

edit mode

reading mode

@yifan0414 That is probably a bug. It has probably to do something with the fold indicator in reading view. I am already working on a new version. I will fix this also before the next release.

It is fixed now. I want to do 1-2 other things, and then it gets released.

Fixed in version 1.2.8