
A management console to onboard and manage devices running on the Helium blockchain network.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Code that powers the official Helium Console.

Development and Contribution

Any and all contributions from the community are encouraged.

  • Guidelines for how to contribute to this repository are here.
  • Discussion about the development and usage of the Helium Console takes place in the official Helium Discord Server, specifically in the #console channel. Join us!
  • To post feature requests or see a list of current issues please go here.

Common setup steps for Docker

cp templates/.env .env
cp templates/.env-router .env-router
  • Populate your newly copied .env file and .env-router file

Option 1: Running Console+Router with prebuilt Console image

cp templates/docker-compose-quay.yaml docker-compose.yaml
cp templates/nginx-default.conf nginx.conf
  • Get a certificate (https://certbot.eff.org/instructions)
  • Update nginx.conf with cert and key information
  • In .env, set SOCKET_CHECK_ORIGIN to your host domain
  • Run with docker-compose up

Option 2: Running Console+Router and build your own Console image

cp templates/docker-compose-server.yaml docker-compose.yaml
cp templates/nginx-default.conf nginx.conf
  • Get a certificate (https://certbot.eff.org/instructions)
  • Update nginx.conf with cert and key information
  • In .env, set SOCKET_CHECK_ORIGIN to your host domain
  • Build with docker-compose build
  • Run with docker-compose up

Option 3: Running Console+Router with Docker locally

cp templates/docker-compose-local.yaml docker-compose.yaml
  • Build with docker-compose build
  • Run with docker-compose up

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Opt in to use an IP Filter for Stripe Transactions

In the event that Stripe requires you to restrict credit card payments to certain countries or cities, you may opt in to use the IP filter implemented in the ConsoleWeb.IPFilter module.

To do so, please obtain a MaxMind key and download the database onto the host machine: (https://download.maxmind.com/app/geoip_download?edition_id=GeoLite2-City&suffix=tar.gz&license_key=${MAXMIND_KEY})

Please note you'll have to regularly update this database.

In your docker-compose file under console, add the following:

  - "/host/path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb:/app/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"

Then, you may set the following variables in your .env file.

UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRIES=CU,IR,KP,SY,RU # or a comma-separated list of the ISO Alpha-2 codes of countries to be restricted
UNSUPPORTED_CITIES=Luhansk,Donetsk # or a comma-separated list of the names of cities to be restricted
UNSUPPORTED_UKR_SUBDIVISIONS=43,40 # or a comma-separated list of the ISO codes for Ukranian subdivisions to be restricted

Upgrading your open source Console+Router (Applies to Option 1 only)

  • Bring down your server with docker-compose down
  • Pull down and run the latest released Quay images with docker-compose up
  • If there are db migrations in the upgrade commits, docker-compose up will run these migrations (Keep an eye on the logs for migration errors to file a GH issue, you should not have to manually migrate the db)
  • If needed, you can manually migrate the db with docker exec -it helium_console /bin/bash, then _build/prod/rel/console/bin/console eval "Console.Release.migrate"

Upgrading your open source Console+Router (Applies to Option 2 and 3 only)

  • Pull down the latest master branch with git
  • Build with docker-compose build, you do not have to bring down your server until this completes
  • Bring down your server with docker-compose down, then run your new build with docker-compose up
  • If there are db migrations in the upgrade commits, docker-compose up will run these migrations (Keep an eye on the logs for migration errors to file a GH issue, you should not have to manually migrate the db)
  • If needed, you can manually migrate the db with docker exec -it helium_console /bin/bash, then _build/prod/rel/console/bin/console eval "Console.Release.migrate"

Keep your Console invite only

  • Set USER_INVTE_ONLY to true in your .env file
  • Add approved users to your db INSERT INTO users (id, email, password_hash, inserted_at, updated_at) values (1, 'email@provider.com', 'hash', NOW(), NOW());

Customizing your Console branding

Running Console Development Environment without Router

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && yarn
  • Start Phoenix with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


If you run into any issues or you have any questions about how to get started contributing, feel free to reach out on the #console channel in the official Helium Community Discord server!