
Bundles the js from js.class (http://jsclass.jcoglan.com/) for the rails asset-pipeline

Primary LanguageRuby

JS.Class for Rails

The gem bundles the js.class-files (http://jsclass.jcoglan.com/) for the Rails asset-pipeline. To avoid require-conflicts with other packages, all files are under


Add the classes to your GEMFILE using:

gem 'js-class-rails', :git => git://github.com/mugwump/js-class-rails.git

And then require the js-class files using either:

//=require js-class-all

or specifying only the files you need with:

//=require js.class/core //=require js.class/hash //=require js.class/observable

JS.Class Version



  • package the tests to and make them runnable from within this gem?!
  • some pre-packaged requires for common tasks (all, minimal?)