- People can get what books that fit the best with them, based on genre or author of their favorite book.
- Business user can attract people who love reading book with their needs of book recommendation based on what they like.
- Business user can automatically targeting ads or promo based one what people search and want.
- The datasets that I use are from Kaggle. It’s name is Goodreads’ Best Book Ever
- Based on description, the data scraped from Goodreads’ website itself
- Datasets link source (https://www.kaggle.com/meetnaren/goodreads-best-books)
- I use the content based filtering recommendation system
- I use book’s genre or author feature to create the recommendation system
- Combining book’s genre and author to create the recommendation system
- I use CountVectorizer to convert text feature into vector representation
- I use CosineSimilarity to see similarity between book’s genre or author.
- Rank some books from the highest to the lowest score of similarity.
Thats all for this Book Recommendation project, feel free to suggest and let me know how can this project work even better in the future.