- NodeJS
npm install -g deepwork
deepwork [duration] [unit]
For example :
deepwork 1 hour
After that, you can safely close the terminal. The script will still run in the background
DeepWork using momentJS for duration conversion. So DeepWork we support all duration unit that's supported by momentjs. Which means all of these units works
"year" | "years" | "y" |
"month" | "months" | "M" |
"week" | "weeks" | "w" |
"week" | "weeks" | "w" |
"day" | "days" | "d" |
"hour" | "hours" | "h" |
"minute" | "minutes" | "m" |
"second" | "seconds" | "s" |
"millisecond" | "milliseconds" | "ms"
If you have any question, ping me on twitter @muhajirframe or summit an issue