
Backend API for a To-do Application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

To-Do Application

To Do List application backend API. This app will have a user signin/signup and user will be able to add new tasks and checkoff the ones that are completed.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Node.js -version 12.22.11
  • MongoDB -version 5.0.9
  • Express.js -version 4.18.1
  • Typescript -version 4.7.4


  • Signin/Signup
  • Add tasks to lists
  • Check off completed tasks


To setup this project download the latest versions of all the technologies mentioned. Or you can simply run the command npm install and it will install all dependencies required to run this project. To start the server run command npm run start


This part will be added as soon as all endpoints are defined.


Project Status

Project is: in progress

Room for Improvement

Room for improvement:

  • UI needs to be added


Created by @muhammadIhtishamKhan - feel free to contact me!