
open-source account management system rails

Primary LanguageJavaScript


open source account management system rails

Rails 6 Search forms for your Ruby on Rails application


Rails Simple Search


Squeel write your Active Record queries with fewer strings, and more Ruby


gem 'by_star' - get records for a particular date range in Active Record


rails new app

rails new accounting-management-system --database=postgresql

rails create DB

rails db:create

Model Creation - Devise

rails generate devise Admin (after this add columns extra in migration to make model as your needs)

Model Creation - Rolify

rails g rolify Role Admin (To manage roles)

Making Views of the Device created model - Device

rails generate devise:views admins

Making Controllers of the Device created model - Device

rails generate devise:controllers admins

Model Creation Sample (Auto foreign key and association created)

rails g model Product name:string description:text amount:integer admin:references

Making Controllers and views with scaffold

rails g controller super_admin/admin index show new create edit update destroy

Model Creation Sample (Auto foreign key and association created)

rails g model Product name:string description:text amount:integer admin:references

removing columns from table using migration

rails generate migration RemoveAdminIdFromAnimals admin_id:bigint

add column in table using migration

rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string

update column name - rails g migration UpdateColumnVendors

rename_column :table, :old_column, :new_column


@vendors = Vendor.select("*").joins(:products)

update column type to datetime - rails g migration change_date_string_to_datetime

def change remove_column :payments, :date add_column :payments, :date, :datetime end

simple_form Gem in Rails 5

https://medium.com/le-wagon/build-a-simple-search-with-the-simple-form-gem-in-rails-5-b247168282d1 https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form

excel sheet import

https://github.com/mattnedrich/ruby-excel-library-examples https://github.com/roo-rb/roo