
Food Delivery React Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Food Delivery

Full Stack Food Delivery React Application

This projects allows to the user to add new items and to maintain all the things over the firestore cloud database

Front-end Technologies and liberaries

- JavaScript
- React.js
- Redux
- Google Authentication
- Tailwind CSS
- FireBase 
- Framer motion
- React Icons

User Stories & Features

- User can see Meals and Fruits 
- User can add meals to cart 
- Then user must be signed in to make order
- User must signup with google authentication 
- Admin User can add meals from admin page
- All meals stored in firebse storage
- User can see the orders in cart 
- Meals in cart stored in local storage
- Advanced React Best Practices, such as folder & file structure, hooks, and refs
- Creating a User Interface using Tailwind css
- Working with Google Firebase
- Framer motion animations without affecting loading speed
- Responsive Material UI designs

Website Screenshot in Laptop screen

Home Page

Admin Page

Check out Website Preview Here


Check out Website Video Here

Youtube video

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start