
Listify To-Do List React Application

A To-Do List app built with React and Redux

Front-end Technologies and liberaries

- JavaScript
- React.js
- Redux
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer motion
- React Icons

User Stories & Features

💹 User can add a to-do item by typing in the input field and add By pressing enter (or a button)
💹 the User can submit the to-do item and can see that being added to a list of to-do's.
💹 User can mark a to-do as completed
💹 User can remove a to-do item by pressing on a button 
💹 User can edit a to-do
💹 User can see a list with all the completed to-do's
💹 User can see a list with all the incompleted to-do's
💹 User can see the date and time when user created the to-do

Website Screenshot in Laptop screen

Home Page

Check out Website Preview Here